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"I need another rag. A cold one." I say to Roxy as she quickly runs to the sink as I blot Callie's sweaty face with the dried up washcloth. Even with the meds she was on to help with the withdrawal from the outpatient program she was in, it was still very rough.  Very, and she had been asking for Stef everyday for the past week since she started to detox but there was no way I was letting her come here. Ever for Callie knew what to say to my wife, she knew how to play her and get into her heart, and right now we couldn't afford that. At all.

"It hurts, it just hurts so bad Mama Lion." Callie groans as Roxy hands me the rag looking worried. I fold it over my daughter's forehead and gently run it over her sweaty neck and face as she sits up a big but nearly shaking to death.

"Get me another shirt too Roxy. She has sweat through this one, and something warmer as well.

"Sure, sure." She runs off to grab what I've asked for as I continue to wipe Callie's face. Yes, it would have been better and far more safer if we could have her in a hospital doing this but she was too much of a flight risk and we knew for a fact she would try to leave, and end up back where she started all over again. Maybe even worse and thankfully one of my friends at the center was helping us with all of this as Roxy hands me the shirt and I slowly help Callie change.

"This is hell. This is hell why does my whole body hurt. I thought that crap they gave me would make me feel nothingggggg. I feel so bad. I feel so bad!"

"Well nothing is fool proof Callie. It's going to take time." I say rather sternly handing the soaked shirt to Roxy. "This is how it is until all that crap is out of your body. Now drink up the water, you need to stay hydrated.

"But I haven't been using. I haven't used anything Mama Lion." She turns to look at me as I don't crack a smile and hand the water glass to her. "You don't believe me Mama Lion? Like why? Can't you see I tried. That I'm trying! Mom would see it. She would, why isn't she here?" She complains wrapping her arms around herself as I continue to ignore her pleas.

"Drink up, and I will make broth, and do not raise your voice at me. You are stuck with me so this is how it is. Deal with it." I place the glass in her hand as I get up and head to the little mini kitchen as I hear Callie groan and lay back down. I had no sympathy for her. None at all as Roxy stands beside me handing me a spoon.

"She working your nerve tryin to get over on you. Did the same shit to Judy and Miss Rose yesterday. All fuckin' week."

"Yeah well good luck. She won't get anything over on me." I whisper back as I place the broth in a bowl.

"Oh I know it. Mike took her cell phone, I mean shit prob don't work anyway cuz she was texting and trying to use the phone and shit. We thinkin she calling you know who. But shit Len, I'm hoping my brother and Jude find this Chuckie asshole soon."

"Mm he's probably hiding, as you know and getting fucked up. The charmer he is." I roll my eyes putting the broth in the microwave as Roxy and  I lean against the little counter glancing back over at Callie. She was crawled up in a ball as I shake my head at her.  The only good part in all of this was I was going to the OBGYN with her to check on her baby tomorrow "But I wouldn't worry about his stupid behind."

 "I hear you Mama Lion but I'm skeptical as shit. I get people go back to the people that hurt them and shit and it's that codependent drug shit and all but I don't think she ready to get clean. She just ain't." Roxy continues to whisper as I take the broth out the microwave and add a few more ingredients to it. Part of me knows she is right, which continues to be a hard pill to swallow.

"I can't say I haven't had the same thoughts Roxy. I'd be lying if I said I didn't, and it's hard. It's difficult and..

"The baby. Least you going with her to get checked out. To make sure it's ok."

A Life Completed (Hard Time Series Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now