Her Feelings

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"Maybe meatloaf tomorrow?" I ask Stef as I am writing up the dinner menu for the following two weeks. With our budget a little smaller and tighter I liked to plan ahead of time when shopping since it helped us in not spending as much on groceries and really plan out what we needed. It wasn't that Stef and I were broke, for we weren't, but we had to be more mindful of our money, even if my wife tended to forget especially in regards to spending on our grandkids.

"Sure babe." She sips her tea as I really can't help but notice how quiet she has been since getting home from visiting Roxy at the bakery. With everything going on I didn't like to push her too much to talk for I know Stef processed things differently then I did especially in regards to this entire thing with Callie. Also the nightmares she continues to have and the fact that she doesn't sleep all night I know are also contributing to her stress and the stress of all this.

"I'm going to make a meatless one.  And put veggies inside of it with a side of brown rice." 

She puts her tea down and looks right at me as she lets out a sigh rubbing her forehead.

"A vegan meatloaf? So it's not meat?"

"No, because meat has alot of salt. Beef and pork and things.  This is a much better alternative for you baby. For all of us. I can get you fish like some flounder and I found these really good shakes we can have for breakfast."  I say rather calmly but I can see the agitation on her face as she wiggles her nose a bit. "What honey?"

"Lena, not for nothing but when you said you were gonna be vegan I didn't think that meant me too."

"Honey, your pressure has been up alot lately, babe. And I'm just trying to help keep it stable. That reminds me did you take it?" I gently rest my hand on hers and can't help but rub it.

"Yeah I did. "

"Ok, and was it ok?"

"It's fine Lena." She grows even more annoyed as I put my pen down looking right at her. The last thing I want to do is get into a fight with her over food.

"What's wrong Stef? What happened today?"

"Nothing Lena. Nothing is wrong love." She lies as she avoids my eyes and I press her now.

"Don't lie. It's written all over your face. And I know when you are lying. What happened babe? Something with you and Roxy?"

"No, nothing. I just am tired of eating this fucking grass. I'm tired of eating this vegan shit that all taste like fucking ass. I want a fucking cheeseburger and a beer and smoke. Ok?" She spits out.

"So my food taste like shit? Is that what you're saying?"

"No Lena, I'm not saying your food it's just the kind of food. I don't fucking like it and I didn't tell you to make me fucking vegan. Did you ask me? NO.   I'm not a dam cripple just because I have high blood pressure and I don't need to be spoon fed." It is rare that Stef ever is so irritated with me in this way but I try hard, very hard not to go off on her regardless of the fact that she is hurting my feelings right now as she looks down at the ground and I close my notebook shut.

"Fine. Eat what you want. Smoke if you want. Do what you want Stefanie." I shake my head at her as she lets out a frustrated sigh.

"I never said that Lena, I just said..

"I heard what you said Stefanie, and gee forgive me for caring, forgive me for wanting to help you and make sure you are ok. Forgive me." I rant as she looks at me even more frustrated then before.

"Jesus fuck woman that's not what I mean. Can you listen?"

"Don't you dare curse at me. Don't you dare!"

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