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"Mom, I'm so happy you came over! For real!" Tracy says to the blonde as she smiles warmly sipping on the Pepsi the younger girl had given her.

Taking a seat beside the woman she loved more then anything, it had been a few weeks since they laid eyes on each other. Infact the last time they had seen each other was at Mama Rose's party and the baby shower when Callie had shown up high and drunk. Not the best occasion but Stef always made it a point to check in on all her babies, and Tracey was no different.

Their relationship in the last few years had remained close but a few things had shifted. Not in a bad way, but Tracey found herself less intimidated to ask Stef how she was, and was learning to dig a tad more into how she was feeling. Neither of them realized how much the girl still held onto from Chow and how that had really formed the foundation of their relationship. Lena was the one to constantly remind Tracey she could ask Stef whatever she needed, and that Chow was a thing of the past. However, the young girl was still learning that as Amelia was nearly passed out in the blondes arms.

"I mean I know I talk to you everyday Mom but, you should have let me come by so you didn't have to lug that little sweetheart out. I'm sorry I didn't stop by sooner."

"It's ok sweets. We were at the playground anyway, plus I know the shop is busy baby and I'm glad you are getting clients and making a life for yourself. That shit's important. PLUS you are coming over for Thanksgiving Eve and Thanksgiving correct?" She raises her eyebrows staring hard at at the girl as Tracey smiles noticing the blonde new glasses that Stef herself hated. Her vision had gotten a tad worse since her stroke and it was just something she couldn't afford to be stubborn about not matter how much she hated it.

"Um yes. You know I am. Hello! Like I'd miss that Mom. Plus, all that food and everything. I'm not missing that."

"Good. You better. So tell me, how's everything else love? I'm sorry I didn't stop by before myself but your place is beautiful. It really is." She says looking around at how nicely decorated it is and all the photos the young girl had up of the family while rubbing Amelia's back up and down. "Lena told me how nice it was."

"Mom it's ok!"

"Mm not really. You know I like checking in on you. And not just via text either love. How's everything with Nathan?"

"It's ok.I mean rather slow I guess." She admits taking a sip of her own Pepsi as Stef listens even more intensely.

"Slow in what way babe?"

" I just wish he could come for Thanksgiving. But, I don't want to take him from his family and stuff. You know."

"I get that. Maybe Thanksgiving Eve or the day after? He's welcome at our home too. I hope you know that. And I hope you know you don't need a fucking invitation either." She says as Tracey smiles. "I mean have you thought of asking for either of those days with him love?"

"I haven't. I guess I'm scared they will say no. His adoptive parents, I mean I don't wanna come off too fucking pushy and shit."

"I don't think asking to spend one of those days with your son is pushy babe. It's a matter of if you feel comfortable, or what is it? I mean talk to me. You nervous about more then that?" She asks as she sees the girl playing with the top of the Pepsi can as she feels Amelia dig her nose into her more and stirring a bit. "Trac?"

"I don't know Ma. Like it's only been like a few years that he has even known about me or sees me. I don't want to force him either."

"Well, he's old enough to tell you. Or you don't want to put him in that position?"

"I don't want to put him in that position. But, maybe I can bring it up casual. Like no pressure or shit. I mean our relationship is, it's not anything deep. Ya know? It's mainly us just hanging out. For now and I'd never force him to see me in a way he doesn't because that shits not fair and all. Like I gave birth him and that's all and I gave him a shitty first year of his life, and even when I was pregnant. No excuse I wasn't in my right mind and shit and I wish I hadn't been a junkie, and had my shit together."

A Life Completed (Hard Time Series Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now