A Party (Part II)

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As the two parties continue to be in full swing Stef and I are so happy to see that everyone is having such a good time. It was all we really wanted for today as I glance over at my wife who is dancing with Baby Stef, Amelia, Andrew, Jesus, Tasha, and Tracey. The site is really cute as Jude joins in taking his mother's hand as they dance side by side laughing as all of it just warms my heart. How could it not for our family was beautiful and the fact that it was getting larger only made the two of us even happier.

Glancing over at Olivia who is resting on one of our patio lounge chairs along with Mama Rose, Peaches and my father, she had gotten rather emotional when she opened all her gifts saying she loved being apart of our family. We loved having her as Stef and her made plans to go to Lamaze class together and get a few more things for the baby.

Smiling at her I place a few more cups and forks out as I watch Roxy bring out more food encouraging us to eat up and leave room for the desserts. It all tasted amazing, everything she made tasted amazing and this party was something our family needed so baldly even myself for with everything going on lately with Callie sometimes Stef and I forgot to have fun and this was one such way.

Me being me I can't help but keep things organized as I line up a few more drinks and seltzers soon feeling someone slide their hands on my waist from behind and I instantly smile knowing who it is.

"Come dance Mama Lion." Stef whispers in my ear as I blush and shake my head at how silly she can be. "I know you know how to dance, and I remember believe me." She teases holding me tighter then ever as I melt into her body like I always do when she holds me like this.

"I don't dance baby." I lie as she busts out laugh holding me closer to her and kissing my exposed neck as Mary J Blige blasts from the speakers.

"Oh my love do you ever know how to dance. I've seen it, I've seen it, many, many times. You are such a terrible liar my sweets."

"Ha, maybe when I was younger." I turn my head to look at her as she pushes me closer to her.

"You are still young to me. You will forever be. Even when we are old and grey in walkers."

"Oh god!"I laugh turning to face her and wrapping my arms around her neck as she smiles wide at me.

"What? I'm practically am almost in a walker." She jokes as I shake my head at her and roll my eyes.

"You are not in a walker. You just need help at times and that is ok. Besides I saw you dancing a bit ago and you still can you know. And even if you never could again I'd still fucking love you."

"Oh listen to you cursing. Yeah? You'd fucking love me?" She grins as I wink at her and I feel her move even closer to if that was at all possible. "You know, sometimes I still laugh baby."

"At what?" I ask as we both move slowly to the music regardless of how fast it is.

"How we met baby. I told you alot of shit has been coming back to me in the last few months, for whatever reason. I guess the mind is funny. Ya know."

"Mm, it can be baby. Very much so." My hands play in her wavy shoulder length hair as I look at the very apparent laugh lines and wrinkles that have formed one her face over the last few years. I didn't, and never would as I listen intently to each word of hers. "What are you remembering?"

She plays with one of my curls as her eyes glance into mine. "How beautiful you were when you bumped into me"

"In the hall?" I laugh as she smiles again at me nodding her heard in a rather serious way.

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