Prologue: Sakari

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A/N: Hello, this is my first fan fiction. I know what you are thinking "oh this means she doesn't know what she is doing, blah, blah,blah,etc." Not saying I do, but I hope you enjoy the story! This is also a small snipet of Sakari's story, I'll get more into it later!

It's nice to not have to fill in for another bender. Sometimes it's better to just to observe the players from afar to discover new techniques I can use in future matches. I want to be apart of the elite probenders at the top and I had to start somewhere. 

I was a janitor at 5 years old, cleaning up after the matches. Typical cleaning stuff.  I wanted to learn as much as I could and by being a janitor I was able to get all the training I needed. I could watch during the matches undetected since I was small and then I could watch the pros during practice time. Now that was a real treat. 

Over the next ten years I was able to train under many probenders. Everyone seemed to enjoy having me around, they were my family since mine disappeared a long time ago. They were all I had and they were all I needed. 

Having so many mentors led me to become a very strong and versatile bender. Which got me a lot of unwanted publicity. Things began to change and the owner of the Probender arena took me under the radar for a year. I became the first Stand in in the history of probending. When a bender is hurt or sick I step in. I can only step in for water and earth though.

I know that having the ability to bend two elements is impossible, but not for me. My family comes from a long line of Waterbender and Earthbenders. Everyone was a bender and the trait never skipped a generation. 

I don't know how it is possible for me to bend earth and water, maybe some kind of mutation or maybe some kind of Avatar magic. I love being able to bend two elements, it is what makes me unique. Another thing that makes me unique is my long red hair. You never see red hair around, and I just happened to have that as well, I don't mind it's easy for people to find me and notice me. 

It doesn't bother me having so much attention on me either, I am confident in who I am and I know that their opinions of me have no effect. 

There is a catch with having long red hair. People cannot know that I bend two elements or I could be permanently removed from the arena and I will never be able to probend again. The only other person who knows besides myself and my mentors are Butakha since he owns the place. 

The only way I am allowed to play is if I stand in for another bender, wearing a mask that covers half of my face and wearing a black scarf around my hair to cover it under the helmet. Not only does my appearance change, but My name also changes as well. My stage name is Chance.

I came up with the name, since I was everyones last chance. 

I've been a stand in for the past year and I absolutely love it. I don't make as much as the teams do, but I make enough to live off of. 

Well enough about me! The probending match just ended with the fire ferrets winning. I don't know much about them, but they seem like decent players even though they are newbies. Plus They are hot! The firebender and earthbender are brothers, I don't like the waterbender though. He is only playing to get ladies and money. He dosen't care about the sport at all.

I hope that I will be able to stand in for him someday, I would love to be apart of the fire ferrets.

Being a real probender is my biggest dream.

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