Chapter 10: The Spirit of Competition: Part 2

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Sakari POV:

My eyes open slowly, lids full of sleep. I look and see that I am settled in the warmth of Bolin's arms quite nicely. I nuzzle my face in the crook of his neck, feeling safe and comfortable. Safe enough to sleep with no dreams of my horrific father, the masked man, Amon...

I shake the thoughts of him from my mind and put effort into living in this moment.

I lick the dryness of my lips, wetting them to rehydrate them from sleeping.

The tips of my fingers brush my lips and touch where Bolin had kissed.. Feeling the swollenness just from that one kiss. My stomach spins and turns at the thoughts.

It's unbelievable that I've never been kissed before, and that Bolin had the courage to do that. I l like this daring part of Bolin, It compliments his sweet and caring side.

I inhale his scent of autumn pine and sweet vanilla once more... To be honest I love the scent and am completely obsessed with it. Not only did it smell exquisite, it also makes me feel safe in a sense.

A sigh escapes me laced with objection as I look at the time. 

He would have to go to warm up soon. Approximately thirty minutes. I cautiously re-adjust myself to slide out of Bolin's arms. 

I swing my left leg over him and hover above him for a moment to admire his sleepy, but peaceful face.

I shake my head to leave the trance and bring my right leg over his strong build. 

I turn on my heel towards the kitchen to make some tea to greet him when he wakes up. Before I finish my thought is I am pulled back into the depths of the couch where Bolin lies.

He wraps his strong powerful biceps arounds my waist and brings me in close with my back facing his chest. He nuzzles my neck affectionately with his nose. The familiar goosebumps appear on my body while his warmth breath tickles my neck skin as he exhales.

"Just five more minutes". He mumbles into the space between my shoulders and neck.

Making my stomach flutter at hearing his raspy slumbersome voice, not fully awake from their nap

A smile spread upon my face and I tilt my head to find his emerald colored eyes staring back. Eyes migrate to the messy dark chestnut curls that consumed his head, and lastly looking down to his lips teasing me for another taste.

I bit my lip while gazing at his, yearning to savor them once more. 

I choose to ignore the temptation, though it was hard to do.

"Bolin, you have to be at warm up soon."

My voice sounding raspy from slumber.

I continue inspecting his face with her eyes. Starting with his lips and moving up to his eyes and holding the contact.

My bandaged hand made its into his curly locks and played around, moving them out of place and massaging his scalp.


Bolin POV* 

I closed his eyes enjoying the skin to skin contact Sakari was giving me. I could feel my heart beating fast like it was running a marathon around Republic City, despite just taking a nap.

 My eyes open and I look into her silver eyes.

I am definitely in trouble.

What are you doing to me Kari.

I know I am falling for her fast, I've had fans and groupies that only wanted me because of probending.

Not for me. 

The Alluvium Part 1: The Understudy Bolin X OC Legend of KorraWhere stories live. Discover now