Chapter 14: And The Winner Is... Part:2

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Bolin and I walk into the living room where the rest of the team is waiting to share the news.

"Hey you two! Whatcha been up to?" Korra teases the two of us. I just roll my eyes, but Bolin blushes. 

"Whatever Korra."

She let out a chuckle and Asami joined in. 

I have a feeling that I will have to tell them about this later...

Bolin interrupts whatever evil thoughts Korra is coming up with.

"So? What did they say? Are we still playing in tonight's match?"

He questions eagerly.

Mako steps forward in our little circle to share the information.

"We will be able to play tonight's match. Chief Beifong will be there in person to provide maximum security, along with her metalbenders who are impervious to chi-blocking."

"That's great news! Did you ask about Chance?"

For once Mako looks at Korra to say something.

"Well, the three of us think that it may be best for you to just stay at air temple island during the finals match.."

"Your Crazy if you think I am going to let a stupid threat from my father prevent me from supporting you guys in the finals." 

I interrupt hastily, hoping that they won't get any other ideas on how to make sure I don't go.

"We want what is best for you Kari, we want to keep you safe because of what has happened in the past."

Asami pleads trying to calmly explain why they think I should stay behind.

"I'll wear a disguise and I'll be in the stands. If he was expecting Chance to show up than she would be in uniform waiting in the locker room to be handed over."

Before Korra and Asami could argue further Mako steps into the conversation, surprising me a second time this afternoon.

"That might actually work, plus if Amon does end up showing up there is no way he would recognize her in a crowd full of people."

Korra and Asami look at him skeptically.

" Amon has taken so much from Sakari, are we really about to let him take this from her?  She has been training every day with us and has been supporting us from day one. I think she deserves to go." 

Bolin says to the entire group, shocking me with his presentation on how much I have sacrificed. 

I don't deserve this man.

He stands behind me and rubs circles on my shoulders, which feels soooo good despite the situation.

Korra and Asami look at each other and nod their heads in agreement.

"I'll even sit between Tenzin and Beifong if I need to..." I propose

"Deal"  Korra says approvingly. 

"To the warm up room."  Bolin chants.

"To the warm up room"  We all repeat.

*Time Skip *

-3rd POV-

 "I just got word. The council defied your threat. They're keeping the arena open. And nothing is to be said about Chance"

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