Chapter 9: The Spirit of Competition: Part 1

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Sakari pov:

I wake up sore in my bed once again, all thanks to those lighting batons.

My mind wanders to last night for the tenth time this morning. 


That name...

Is the name of my father...

I stand up quickly and punch the wall with underlying rage.

I try to deny it, but it makes sense when it comes to my bending.

I can't believe I am related to this jerk... 

Before my thoughts could fall further down the badgermole hole, I hear a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in"

Korra slowly opens the door and drags her feet while she walks through the doorway.

"Morning Korra, How did the talk with my.. fa ...Amon go?" 

Shit she doesn't know? I probably should tell her.

She gave me  funny look before answering my question... She is on to me.

"It wasn't what I was hoping for, not for a long shot. But I didn't lose my bending which is good... I came in to check on you... To make sure you didn't lose yours... I was supposed to protect you from it... It's all my fault. I should have stopped it. I should ha-"

"Korra, I am fine I didn't lose my bending. I'm glad you didn't lose yours either."

Korra"s shoulders relaxed as she exhaled slowly in relief.

" Good! I'm glad he didn't take your bending either. "

Korra steps forward and gives me a hug, holding me close and I wrap my arms around her in return.

"Sakari, I am scared of him... I didn't realize how much pressure I felt to face him right away. He could have taken our bending, I felt so powerless..."

I sympathize with her and squeeze her tightly before releasing her from my arms.

"I am scared of him too Korra..." I hesitate with uncertainty in my words.

I have to tell her, even if she will be angry or upset with me.

A couple seconds pass and before I can admit Amon being my father, Korra begins to speak again.

" I don't think I am getting closer to taking him down by working worth Tarrlok. I mean yeah we are finding hideouts, but I think that this operation is bigger than we think it is. On top of that I hate working with Tarrlok  and could use a new partner anyways. Think you could step up to the plate? We can have each other's back and  take Amon down, just the two of us! No fancy task force. Just team Avatar."

"Hell yeah" I reply and fist bump her.

Korra excused herself, rather quickly, to go practice airbending with Tenzin before going to Probending practice. 

I guess I should take a nice and long hot shower and think about what I am going to do next.

What steps I need to take in order to keep Amon away from people I love. Steps that I need to follow to take him down... I need a plan...

I turn the shower to luke warm and hop in. Coming up with a plan shouldn't be too hard. I increase the temperature so it's a little hotter.

Minutes go by and I still can't come up with a solid plan.

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