Chapter 4 The Revelation part 2:

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*Korra POV*

*setting, Korra left air temple Island and arrived at the pro-bending training room in Republic City*

"What's the big idea with making me train this early in the morning?" I grumbled towards the rest of the team. "The morning is evil."

" We're the rookies, so we get the worst time slot in the gym." Bolin sighed as he caught the ball I threw at him.

Mako rolled his eyes in annoyance as he caught the ball, "And you're the rookiest of us all. We gotta get you up to speed if we wanna survive in the tournament. "

He took the ball that he caught from Bolin and throws it directly towards me while while forcefully saying "Deal with it."

The anger rises within me and I yell.

"You deal with it!"

I chuck the ball aggressively back to Mako causing him to tumble backwards.

He groans at the impact and I can't help the smug-look that makes its way on my face.

Suddenly, a man enters the room and the three of us make our way to go meet him.

The cringey looking man opened his mouth for words to slowly slip out

"There are my little hard-working street urchins."

He puts out his right hand to shake mine "It's an honor to finally meet you, Avatar."


Slight irritation escapes me as I ask "And you are ...?"

As I grab his hand, his mouth opens once again, "Butakha. I run this whole pro-bending shebang."

He is still shaking my hand, so I quickly remove my hand from his and cross my arms. Butakha then pulls out a large wad of paper getting ready to hand it over to Mako.

"Here's your winnings from the last match."

He places the money in Mako's hand. Mako goes to put it in his pocket, but Butakha interrupts the gesture.

" Ah ah ah, not so fast." With his grubby fingers he moves his hands back to the stack of paper. "First, you owe me for the Avatar's new gear." He take a some some money back.

" Gym and equipment rentals from last month..." he takes cash once more from Mako.

A frown appears on Mako's face as the stack keeps decreasing in his hand. I can't help but feel a little sympathy towards the brothers.

"Rent on your apartment...". leaving the smallest amount of yuans sitting in his hands.

Hasn't he taken enough?

I must have spoken too soon.

He reaches his hand out once more and takes the remaining money

"And a personal loan for groceries..."

Mako Side eyes Bolin with irritation in his eyes.

Bolin looks at him with puppy dog eyes ...

"I'm a growing boy!"

Butakha or I should say butt talk begins to walk out of the room stuffing his pockets with all of the boys yuans.

Butt Talk must have forgotten something because he stops and turns around to continue to our semi-circle.

The Alluvium Part 1: The Understudy Bolin X OC Legend of KorraWhere stories live. Discover now