Chapter 5 The Revelation Part 3:

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Bolin POV*

It didn't take her long to fall asleep on my shoulder. Spirits she has been through a lot! I cannot believe she was by herself for all of this too. She deserves so much better than this. We will get out, I know we will...



That's enough Bolin, you know Mako would do anything to get you back, and he has Korra, The Freaking Avatar. It shouldn't be too much longer... I wish that they would hurry. Sakari needs medical attention badly.

Not to mention that we still don't know what the purpose of the rally is tonight, or what is to happen to us.

I'm crossing fingers that everything will turn out alright.

*Time Skip*

3rd POV*

Sakari and Bolin were interrupted from their slumber by the clanking of keys opening up the cell.

Unfortunately for Sakari, she was startled by the cell opening and grasped on to Bolin's shirt tightly. She held on like her life depended on it. She didn't to be separated for two reasons.

The first reason is that they need to stay close they can escape together.

And the second reason is that she didn't want to be alone.

With her luck she was shocked by the lightning baton which made her release Bolin's shirt.

This allowed the equalist to grab her by the collar of her tunic and tear her from Bolin's arms. They forced her to her knees as they tied her wrists together.

Bolin didn't want to stand around and do nothing.

Sakari POV*

"Let her go! Haven't you done enough." Bolin said raising his voice. Which only earned him his own shock with the Lightning rod.

"Bo, it's okay. I'm okay." I said in attempt to cool him down and prevent the equalists from harming him further.

Next thing I know the two of us are dragged out of the cell, he is first than it's me.

As we walk down the dark and dingy hallway we stop at another cell on the way.

That's The Triple Threats cell. Zolt is out first followed by Shin.

I'm glad that they have to go first for whatever is to happen to the four of us. It gives Bolin and I time

We follow the equalists in a group of 16. Four equalists per bender.

Wait a second... They didn't chi block us again... My bending is back on and that means that they should have brought 8 equalists for me...

As we are led on the stage I work on the ropes and undo the knots Infront of me. I still keep my hands in position so I don't raise suspicion.

I look around for any earth that I can bend. All I see is wood.

Damn it.

That means I have to waterbend. That means that people are gonna find out I am a dual bender.

Well it's not like they wouldn't find out someday.

My thoughts are interrupted by a few taps on a microphone....

"Please welcome your hero, your savior ... Amon!"

A hatch in the floor opens and I sense the chilling presence of Amon emerge, even though I can't see through the curtains, I know he is there... I feel disgust build on my face as I hear people cheer for him.

The Alluvium Part 1: The Understudy Bolin X OC Legend of KorraWhere stories live. Discover now