Chapter 17: The Aftermath Part:2

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A/N: I've been so busy with traveling and moving, but I am going to try to finish this book by the end of October. 

Sakari POV

"So, you think Mr. Sato manufactured those gloves for the Equalists then framed Cabbage Corp?" Tenzin asks while creasing his brow

Lin turns from Tenzin and looks at Korra and I before adding 

"That's a bold accusation, but what proof do you have?"

Korra steps forward a step to start relaying the information the two of us collected. 

"Well, I don't exactly have proof, but I know what I heard and I know what Sakari has seen. Sato's up to something."

Before Lin and Tenzin can question what Korra heard I decide that its my turn to speak. I clear my throat gaining the attention of the Adults and Korra.

" I know what I saw in that airship. There were boxes with Future Industries label on it. There were equalists equipment in the boxes. The equalists are definitely getting backed by Sato." 

 " It makes sense...He does have the means ... and he has a motive."

Lin states crossing her arms pondering in her mind about the whole situation further. 

"That's right."  Tenzin starts while Korra and I raise our eyes both thinking what is the motive?

"Twelve years ago, the Agni Kai Triad robbed Sato's mansion. A firebender killed Sato's wife during the break in."

Korras eyes saddened, and I understand the disappointment in the triad. But that is no excuse for taking  someone's bending, torturing, or ganking these benders. It just isn't right.

"Well he that confirms his means and motive, so what are we waiting for. I am tired of hearing benders lose their bending. The equalists, Sato, and Amon need to be stopped, no matter what the stakes are. "

The group before me nodded in agreement.

 "We should look at Mr. Sato a little more closely. Lets go investigate" Lin says turning on her heel away from the three of us.

We follow in suit, walking closely behind Lin. As we make our way out of the station I feel a piercing sensation in my brain. The pain is so intense that I fall to my knees and grab my head.

Flashes of light fill my vision for a moment. Flashes of Forest Green and Gold. Slashes of Red.

Kyoshi is trying to send me a message. 

The lights stop flashing and the pain begins to subside, but not in time for the others not to worry. 

I look up and see Tenzin tense and staring down at me. Lin with her arms crossed judging slightly, but I can see in her eyes that there is concern. and of course Korra is on her knees in front of me, asking if I am okay. 

I see her lips move, but I can't hear anything. Must be an effect of the vision flashes.

I shake my head and as I do I can hear all the sounds of the city come in at once. 

The voices around me become audible, asking me if I need to rest. 

"I am fine... I'm not tired... I think it is another vision from Kyoshi. She is trying to tell me something."

" Are you sure you are feeling up to going over to the Sato Mansion to start an investigation?" Lin asks while Korra takes my hands to help me to my feet.

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