Chapter 1: Warm welcoming, quite literally.

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A/N: I hope the prologue wasn't too boring. I was trying to introduce my O.C. without giving too much of the story away. This is what she looks like, it's my drawing so I don't need to give the artist credit ;)

I  am currently rewriting this so the writing style matches, It will take me a little while, but I will also be combining short chapters with the longer ones.


Sakari POV:

My tears froze as they ran down my face.

The frigid air was cold making the tears colder.

My fingers and toes feel numb as I stand on the slippery icy glacier looking back at the boat sinking before me.

The shivering begins my body is shakes uncontrollably. Seizing from the lack of warmth.

While I look at the boat I see two figures in combat both fighting with water.

The other one is standing on the sideline looking between the fight and me, almost as if she was about to choose to jump I hear her call out to me.

"Sakari! Go sweetheart, we love you. Go before he can get to you, we will hold him back".

"I can't leave you..."

"You must! He cannot know about you."

"Who can't know about me? Whats going on? Mom?"

"Sakari, be strong. Promise? Okay?"

Tears fall harder as I nod. Knowing that she must return to the fight to assist my father.

I watch as my father floats in the air, then the other man with the mask moves hs hands rapidly creating a gut-wrenching crack with his. Only it wasn't his hands... It was my father's neck that snapped and the thud was his lifeless body hitting the railing followed by a splash into the icy ocean water below.

My knees fall to the the surface of the glacier. Cracking the surface, just barely. Most bender would be concerned, but not me. I didn't care at all, my eyes were still on the boat. The anticipation gets me as my mother faces the man in the mask. She aggressively hits him with daggers, fighting not only for her life but for mine. She was fighting to avenge my father, she was fighting to save me.

As her emotions consume her she misses a blow to the heart, but in the process of evading she slipped on the wet surface of the boat. The mask man picks her up by her face in just one hand. He whisper something in her ear that I cannot hear. My mother scream in agony as he brough her to her knees and places a hand on her forehead and another on her heart. Shortly after her body also falls to the ground unconscious. The masked man quickly looks in my direction and stares, striking fear in my heart. Before the shock sets in I memorize the details of the mask that I never want to see again.

Agony sets in along with shock and I curl up into a ball on the cold floating piece of ice. I let the cold take me and welcome the darkness that comes with lack of consciousness.


*3 POV*

Sakari woke up in panic once again. Panting and sweating for the millionth time after sleeping. That dream has haunted her ever since she was separated from her family 11 years ago. She was only 5 when it happened, only 5 when she faced the cold water for days on end till a tour boat from republic city found her. Only 5 when her parents were killed in front of her eyes.

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