Chapter 22: When Extremes Meet: Part 5

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Bolin POV:

As I watch Sakari's taillights disappear into the darkness, a knot forms in my stomach. The weight of uncertainty presses down on me like a heavy stone. I can't shake the feeling that she's walking into a trap, that Tarrlok's sinister plans are far more dangerous than we've imagined. Does Tarrlok really have some kind of ability that can take the avatar out? And if so, will a Ditava and an Avatar be enough to take him out?

I shake my head and continue my sprint to the station. Of course, Mako just had to get arrested. He could have just bailed Asami out himself if he kept a cool head. Then I could be by Sakari's side so she and Korra wouldn't have to face Tarrlok alone. She has had to face everything alone so far.  

Sakari's resilience flickers in my mind, her unwavering determination etched into every scar she bears. She's been through so much, and I can't stand the idea of her facing this danger without backup. I can't afford to remain on the sidelines any longer. It kills me not to be by her side in this fight. 


I finally make it to the station and burst through the doors. I brace my hands on my knees and catch my breath. I scan the room and notice that all of the officers are alarmed at my arrival and are standing around waiting for me to speak. Waiting for me to make a move.

"Uh, Hi. I need a couple of things... I need to see Chief Beifong  and some one get me a phone. I need to call Councilmen Tenzin." 

The officers fell at ease and stood there questioning my request with just their eyes.

As my breathing returned to its normal pace I stood up straight. I furrow my brows, creating a stern face while gazing into their eyes.

"Are you deaf? The Avatar and the Ditava are in danger and need backup and city hall. Is that too much to ask? I need the Chief and Tenzin, now!" 

I demand, rather proudly, if I do say so myself. Immediately the officers start moving around and one motions for me to follow them.

Finally, we are getting somewhere. Hold on Sakari, we will be there soon

Sakari POV: 

I cannot believe how fast this Satomobile is. No wonder it was still a prototype. Ran starts to fall, but I ignore it and continue weaving in and out of traffic. As fast as I can. 


I arrive at city hall and I can hear commotion coming from inside. They must be fighting each other right now. I turn off the bike and run to the doors, take a note that there are no doors. Korra must have kicked them in.

Korra is standing uncomfortable in her own skin, her struggles against Tarrlok's bloodbending evident in her rigid form.

" How- how are you doing this?!" Korra yells in frustration

Tarrlok smirks and advances towards her with calculated menace. 

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me," he retorts, his voice dripping with malice.

I charge forward, my heart pounding with a mix of determination and dread. "Tarrlok!" My own voice echoes through the cavernous hall. "Leave her alone!"

His smirk becomes sinister as he bloodbends Korra, flinging her across the room into a pillar. 

He turns towards me, his gaze cold and calculating. "Ah, the Ditava," he sneers. "You're too late, little girl. The die has been cast."

I hesitate, not knowing what to do. I've never faced a bloodbender before, not to mention one that can bloodbend without the moon.

I inhale and exhale, calming my thoughts despite my muscles tensing as I prepare for the inevitable confrontation. Tarrlok raises his hand, and I can feel the oppressive weight of his bloodbending power pressing down upon me, threatening to crush me where I stand. Spots fill my vision and I know if I can't get out of his hold I will end up like Korra.

I concentrate on moving the tips of my fingers out, reaching them towards him. I try summoning my red sparks, in attempt to get him to release me. 

Instead I feel a water like energy leave me and swipe his body. Making him release me

I drop down to the floor and catch my bearings before standing up. What just happened? What did I just do? 

I look at my hands and notice that there are no red sparks emerging from them. I bring my eyes to Tarrlok and watch as he struggles to stand. 

"But how? It took me years to master it.." 

I raise my brow, conveying a confused look. "What do you mean?" 

"Do you not understand what you just did girl?"  He retorts viciously, emphasis on the word girl.

He staggers back to his feet, eyes narrow with renewed focus, locking onto me with chilling determination. I meet his gaze with a firm resolve, my brow furrowing slightly as I brace myself for his next move.

"Obviously not." I answer firmly

I don't wait, I earthbend the floor tiles. Shredding them like I would in the pro-bending arena. I send as many as I can at one time, making it hard for him to deflect all of them with just waterbending. I manage to hit his shoulder, he grunts with pain and I can see his rage building.

Come on Bo.. I don't know how long I can keep this up for. I need the back up.

Tarrlok waterbends more vigorously, keeping up with my bending. I guess being fueled by anger can do that. 

He advances, pushing through the rocks that I brought up from the floor. I take a couple of steps back to create distance between us, but not enough. He doubles his pace and I brace for the impact of water. But no water reaches for me.

Bloodbending? I didn't bloodbend

I look off to the side looking for something that I can quickly bend at him to stop his advance. I bring my attention back to Tarrlok and he stands mere inches from me. 

Tarrlok's patience wears thin, his frustration boiling over as he tightens his grip around my throat. With a scowl etched upon his face, he growls, "Enough of your meddling, Sakari. You and Korra. You're nothing but a nuisance, a fly buzzing in my ear. But rest assured, I'll silence you once and for all."

I claw at his hand around my throat, but it does nothing. 

My eyes widen as his grip tightens before sending me hurtling across the room, my body crashing against a nearby pillar with bone-jarring force.

As I struggle to regain my bearings, I feel the tendrils of unconsciousness creeping in at the edges of my consciousness. Tarrlok approaches, his malevolent presence looming over me like a shadow. "It's unfortunate that we couldn't have been cordial Sakari. Being able to bloodbend without a moon is hard, bloodbending without training is even harder. you're a novice."

"Bloodbending? I didn't bloodbend... thats impossible." I say as warm liquid falls down my forehead. My index finger reaches for the warm and damp spot on my hairline and I wince at the contact. He got me good.

I spit blood and stagger as I stand up, leaning against the pillar I find the courage to piss him off further. 

"I would like to see you try and silence me."  I spit at him, bringing myself to a firm stance. Waiting for him to attack me again. I s

This time my body is held by the pressure of the bloodbender once again. 

"Impossible or not, you can bloodbend. You're nothing but a stubborn fool, Sakari. But I admire your tenacity, even if it will ultimately be your downfall."  He snorts before flicking his wrist towards me.

The last thing I notice before everything goes dark is hear is the crunch of my body breaking the Pillar. 

A/n: Sorry it's short... I needed to finish off the episode so I could start on the next one.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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