Chapter 2. A leaf in the wind

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"And in the final round, the Buzzard Wasps won with a decisive knockout. What do you say we go to the arena tonight, catch a few pro-bending matches?" Korra proposed, full of energy.

I watch she begged Tenzin, hoping that he would allow her to go. Tenzin still doesn't know about me probending though. He knows that I work at the arena, he thinks its the concessions or a stereotypical janitor position. When in fact my job is to probend someone else can't. The owner of the arena is the only other person who knows about my job besides me.

Maybe if he lets Korra go, he will open his mind more and I can talk about work with him. I can tell him that I've been probending this whole time! I won't have to hide it from everyone and it will feel so great to get it off my chest. And then he will understand and support my career!

I cross my fingers and look at Tenzin, my eyes filled with hope.

Tenzin puts this judgmental look on his face before expressing with annoyance "That sport is a mockery of the noble tradition of bending."

Korra sighed and replied "Come on Tenzin. I've dreamed about seeing a pro-bending match since I was a kid, and now I'm just a ferry ride away from the arena."

Korra begins to pout as she looks out the window at the magnificent golden globe arena. I start to feel sorry for her.

"Tenzin, I don't think it would hurt just going to a match to watch. It's not like she is participating in it. She might even learn a knew sub-style of bending. It is an educational opportunity." I explained.

Korra looked hopeful and begs Tenzin once more "Yeah Tenzin, it could be a great learning opportunity for me. Please let me go watch a probending match".

Tenzin Snorted in discontent. "There is no way you are going to a match! It could taint everything you have learned, and more importantly you need to finish your Airbending training." Tenzin stated and exhaled quickly to finish his rant.

"Korra, you're not here to watch that drivel, you're here to finish your Avatar training. I have given Sakari the privilege to work at the lousy arena as a janitor, and even that is testing my patience. So for the time being I want you to remain on the island."

I sighed, I was really hoping she might change his opinion on the sport. I can't believe he said that it was a privilege for me to work there. Ugh, that makes me so irritated. He can't choose all my life decisions for me. It's my life it should be my choice, not a mere privilege that he decides I get.

Anger boils with in me and before I can bite my tongue I release my thoughts on Tenzin's opinion.

" I see that this conversation is going nowhere. It is my choice to work there and you don't make the decision for me Tenzin. I worked hard to be employed by the arena and I am happy working there. It is unfair of you to speak negatively about the sport and the arena, especially because they were the ones who took me in first. Now excuse me, I'm going to be late for my so called 'lousy job'."

I didn't even wait for a reply, I stormed right out of the room. Who does he think he is anyways. He isn't always right. I mean he is sometimes, but I just wish he would actually listen to me and respect my decisions.

*(Time Skip)*

One, two

One, two

One, two

I begin picking up the pace as I bend the earth disks towards the practice net. Through each one with grace, despite being fueled by anger. Who does Tenzin think he is anyways... I know that he is just trying to keep Korra safe and all, but come on he needs to loosen up and give the world a chance. How is he supposed to learn more about the world and culture if he isn't willing to warm up to new styles of bending. Probending has been around for quite awhile now, if you ask me I think he is being a prude. As much as I love Tenzin, he needs to take a break and let loose and accept the realities of today's society, for an example taking the time to go to a probending game.

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