Chapter 21: When extremes meet: Part 4

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Red hair fills my vision... A girl, no, a woman walks into the bright Courtroom. I recognize Aang standing there, along with Toph and Sokka. A man stands in the center of the room with chains around his ankles and wrists. An unnerving smile rests on his face and his eyes are filled with darkness. Lack of emotion, lack of empathy, lack of anything really. Just darkness... Only darkness.

The woman storms towards the center of the room. She stands parallel to Aang and faces this mysterious man. Toph is scrunching her nose and Sokka is furrowing his eyebrows.

This man must have done something bad to have most of the Gaang here. 

"Azlyn, I told you to stay outside,"  Sokka whispers to the woman whom I now recognize as  Azlyn.

She grits her teeth and glares at Sokka.

"No" was all she said, but her eyes were glowing, not like in the Avatar State. Her eyes were silver like mine, but the rims were glowing with gold and they were filled with frustration and wrath.

"Not after what he did. I need to make sure he never does it again"

Her hands begin to spark up, similar to mine. Her sparks are blue though...

I can see the anger grow as she takes a couple more steps towards the man standing in the middle of the court room. 

Sokka is on her heels, catching up in three steps before grabbing her shoulders and turning her to face him.

Her flames went out, but her fists stayed clenched and ready to fight.

"I know, I know. He deserves nothing more than to leave this plane of existence. But we do things differently now, no matter how much we disagree." 

Tears well up in her eyes as she looks at Sokka.

"He killed my brother. What would you do if he killed Katara?" 

Sokka sighed heavily and broke eye contact.

He obvious knew the answer, it was a hard one. 

He would kill the man himself right here right now. But in this world he would need to do things differently...

He brough his eyes back to Azlyn, looking in her fiery eyes. 

" I would want to kill him, I don't think I could live with out Katara. But death would be too easy for him. He needs to pay with time and we have enough evidence against him. He is going to spend the rest of his worthless life locked away from society." 

Her hands unclenched at his explanation. Knowing he was right she placed her head on his chest and leaned into him for comfort. 

All the colors of the court room start spinning and changing. Indicating a that the vision is coming to an end. This time I am back in that same court room except Tarrlok is standing in the center and Korra is laying on the floor.

What the hell is going on??? Somethings not right

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me...." 

What does he mean? Is this connected to the other vision?

My vision swirls once more, but this time I see darkness. The kind associated with slumber, the welcoming kind.

*Smol Time Skip*

My eyes open and Bolin's chest comes into view. My gaze trails from his rising chest, slowly moving up to to his face taking in his features. His strong jaw structure, cute nose, and gorgeous Emerald eyes. Staring into my own silver eyes. 

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