Chapter 19: When Extremes Meet: Part 2

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A/N: AHHHHHHHHHHH  I just got to 1k on this. Yeah yeah, I know it isn't that much, but it is a lot to me. 

"Well, spit it out Sakari. It's your turn now."   Korra teases playfully in an attempt to lighten the concerned group in front of us.

"You can trust us just like we can trust you."  Mako insists with a worried look on his face.

I can't tell them, at least not everything. I have no evidence that Tarrlok is actually a blood bender besides my visions.

What do I tell them, If I don't tell them something they will just keep pushing. One question will lead to another and right now we need to focus on stopping Amon and saving the City. Not my issues that I can throw on the back burner.

I clear my throat before coming to a conclusion on what I am telling them.

"Uh, I have been having these visions of the past and future. My head hurts when it happens, but I uh. I am fine, I promise. I think I just have some new abilities coming out of nowhere becaaause I am a Ditava." I say extending the because, trying to buy myself some time.

"Visions? I don't even have those and I am the Avatar."  Korra pouts while crossing her arms. 

The rest of the attention goes back to Korra, which leaves me relieved, but I can tell that Bolin doesn't believe everything. 

Out of the corner of my eye I can see the frustration he has, keeping his mouth shut and not interrogating me further.

I'll tell them later I mouth to him. His shoulders lowered a bit and he stopped frowning.

He redirected like everyone else.

"Get ready, Republic City.  You are about to be patrolled by Team Avatar." Bolin says dramatically to the group.

We all cheer and head back to the dorms to get ready.

*Time Skip*

 I finish buttoning my jacket for the big night and my stomach turns with nervousness. This is our first run as the new Team Avatar. I can't say that I am not ecstatic, but I do feel a bit uneasy. Especially that fire ability of mine and how out of control it can get. Not to mention those visions I've been having lately. 

I hope I don't become a liability.

I am brought back to the moment by Asami turning on an equalist glove.

"Asami, you always know how to accessorize your outfits." Mako comments in a flirty manner.

"I figure one way to fight Equalists is to use an Equalist weapon."   She says with a smirk on her face. Not a cocky one, but one filled with determination to put a stop to her father's plans. I feel the same way.

Amon is my responsibility to bring to justice.

"All right, Let's ride." Korra shouts as she pumps her fist in the air. 

She leads us to Naga and I shake my head. 

"The five of us are not going to fit on Naga, she isn't a flying Bison." I point out the obvious animal abuse we would put Naga through if we attempt at riding on her to Republic City and back.

"New idea!"  Bolin shouts and steps closer to me. Letting the butterflies buzz around in my stomach I step closer to him. Close enough to brush his hand with mine. 

He grabs it gently and leads the way to the garage close to the docks on the Island. The others follow behind us, understanding what he is thinking.

"Brilliant thinking Bo!" Asami compliments as she opens the garage to reveal our ride of justice.

The Alluvium Part 1: The Understudy Bolin X OC Legend of KorraWhere stories live. Discover now