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A flicker of light shot where Foxclaw was hunting. She hissed frustrated. Foxclaw padded to a small pond looking at Lightspark's kits, Ravenkit, and Foxkit. She purred. She loved these kits and was proud her daughter had them. Flicking her tail, Foxclaw walked away. She couldn't help but worry about Ravenkit's blindness, it wasn't fair why Lavenderspot put Ravenkit this way.

Foxclaw took off, claws digging into the ground as she looked for Lavenderspot's silver shape. "There you are, Foxclaw." Lavenderspot meowed. "Come join me, eat this."

"I can't. I promised I would take Hopkit to play with Flatwhisker."

Lavenderspot frowned. "Oh, alright. But there's something bugging you."

"Yes, there is." Foxclaw murmured under her breath.

"What is it?" Lavenderspot asked stiffly.

Foxclaw turned around to face Lavenderspot. "Why did you curse Ravenkit to be blind? Why are you so rude to my kits? You refused to let Mistleheart onto StarClan, why?"

"Punishment, Foxclaw." Lavenderspot hissed. "You should understand that."

"But why punish a little kit?"

Lavenderspot rolled her eyes. "Because of Lightspark leaving. Now go away." Foxclaw felt as if Lavenderspot raked her claws over Foxclaw's muzzle. Foxclaw's heart ache, her claws dug deep into the soil.

Whatever, I'll show her, I'll try to help Ravenkit and Mistleheart!

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