Chapter 24

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Ravenflight ran towards the nursery. Blood pounded in his ears as Hollowstep's agonized yowl echoed around camp. He pushed himself, feeling the brambles walls pierce his pelt. Ravenflight skittered to a halt when he almost bumped into Thrushleg.

"Woah there!" Thrushleg meowed.

"How is she? Is she okay?" Ravenflight demanded, his heart raced. Ravenflight tried desperately to see Hollowstep behind Thrushleg, but he was blocking her completely.

"She'll be fine." Thrushleg replied, exhaustion laid in his eyes. Ravenflight knew that the tom was tired, especially since he was the one running back and forced to the nursery while Shrewwhisker made the herb mixes. Ravenflight dodged past Thrushleg as he left to get more herbs.

Hollowstep was laying against the nursery walls, yowling in pain. Ravenflight felt pity for her, she seemed small and lost through the huge den. Ravenflight ran towards her, nudging his mate's face.

Panic laid in him, he had heard of cats dying when giving birth. Either them or the kits. Ravenflight's eyes grew wide, how can I think of that now? She'll be fine, and so will be our kits! But hope died in him when he saw Hollowstep's tiny frame beside his.

"It'll be okay, my love. Have strength." He promised, nudging her gently.

Hollowstep whimpered. He was pushed aside by Bristlenose, who was leaving the den with Rowankit and Snakekit by her side.

Bristlenose mewed gently to him. "Give her space. Why don't you wait outside?"

Ravenflight stared at her in horror. Wait outside? He would stay with her always! But he was pushed outside by Shrewwhisker. Ravenflight scrambled out the den, he glanced painfully back at Hollowstep, but she was blocked by Shrewwhisker and Thrushleg. He managed to force himself to sit and groom his pelt.

"I know how painful it is to leave your mate's side when they're expecting kits," his father, Quillflight mewed. He had padded over to him and sat by him. Ravenflight just glanced at him.

He bit his tongue as he mewed. "Will she be okay? She seems in so much pain!"

Quillflight blinked at him sympathetically. "Pain is part of this. You shouldn't worry."

Ravenflight swallowed, he knew he had to listen to Quillflight. His father had gone through this, and he must have related to him. Another agnozied yowl splitted the air, Ravenflight leaped to his paws, but was pushed down by Quillflight.

"Sorry." he mumbled.

Quillflight shook his head. "I won't stop you again. Go now."

Ravenflight looked at him thankfully and shot over to the nursery.

"A she-kit!" Thrushleg mewed, he held a white bundle between his teeth and dropped it by Hollowstep's stomach.

Hollowstep was panting with exhaustion, but there were still a few more kits waiting to be born. Soon Shrewwhisker had yowled that another kit was born, a gray bundle of fur. And lastly one more. Ravenflight had raced towards Hollowstep.

He nudged her fondly. "We have three daughters now!" he whispered.

Hollowstep blinked, she glanced at the three figures that suckled at her belly. Ravenflight examined the kits closely, the first kit was a white kit, the kit had black stripes around it. The second one was a bleak light gray kit, much lithe and smaller than the others. And the last one was another gray kit with black stripes, she had a black mask around her face like a raccoon would.

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