Chapter 18

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Ravenflight snarled, sending the killing bite on the eagle. The eagle fell limp on his paws, and blood oozed out of his neck. The cold wind of the mountains ruffled his pelt, he trotted over to Hollowstep who purred loudly.

"Nice catch!" She mewed.

Ravenflight just sniffed. "I've done better. I could kill a badger with a single swipe!"

Hollowstep let out a mrrow of laughter. Thicketstripe had moved to the nursery, expecting kits. That BreezeClan tom surely! He thought bitterly. And Bristlenose's stomach was growing, though his mentor had not revealed who the father of the kits were. And even didn't acknowledge the fact that she was expecting some.

Ravenflight just rolled his eyes at her whenever she spoke harshly about it. Hollowstep licked the blood off her lips, the brown she-cat's stomach began to growl.

"Best if we bring this back to camp." He mewed, prodding the piece of prey.

"Yup! At least Greenleaf is almost here. I can feel it!"

He grasped the eagle in his jaws, dragging it back to camp. Snailclaw was limping out the medicine den, his eyes were tired but he still walked boldly. Several of his claws were torn and his wound was patched with herbs. Ravenflight knew that Snailclaw would still have to stay with Shrewwhisker.

"Here have this." Ravenflight tore a wing from the eagle and threw it to Snailclaw.

Snailclaw sniffed. "No thanks. I don't depend on other cats."

"You should be thankful Ravenflight cares for you!" Hollowstep snapped. "Come on Ravenflight let's share the wing instead."

Ravenflight watched as Hollowstep grabbed the eagle wing and brought it to a sheltered space in camp. He let out a sigh as he sat, chewing on the wing. Ravenflight couldn't help but feel Snailclaw's gaze on him. He shuddered.

"Leave that fool alone." Hollowstep meowed, gulping the prey.

Ravenflight let out a purr.

Ravenflight felt Hollowstep's fur brushing his as he slept. He found it hard to sleep with so many cats in one den, but it also brings warmth in the coldest nights. Ravenflight yawned, feeling restless. He padded outside the den, below the camp he saw Thicketstripe leaving.

He scrambled down the mountain and followed Thicketstripe out quietly. The dips in the ground grew deeper and he felt unconsciously aware of how many times he tripped on them. Ravenflight panted as he reached the river where the queen sat at.

After a while Spadeclaw came. Water dripped down his gray pelt. Ravenflight crept

crept closer, his ears pricking.

"There you are my love." Spadeclaw purred.

Thicketstripe replied with a hiss. "Don't call me that! I'm expecting kits now because of you!"

Spadeclaw stared at her, wide-eyed. "You mean I need to raise them?"

"You are the father." Thicketstripe said simply. "But I'm not handing them over."

Ravenflight felt exhaustion grasp his muscles, he forced himself to pick up the pace beside Hollowstep. They were hunting together, usually almost every day. Hollowstep had caught a vole and she held it proudly between her teeth.

He hadn't caught anything because of his tiredness. StarClan help me!

"Ravenflight are you okay?" Hollowstep asked, concern in her eyes.

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