Chapter 23

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Ravenflight led the cats around him to the mountains. Treepaw trotted by his side, head held high. Barkfur, Applenose, and Snailclaw were here. Ravenflight felt a burst of pride, knowing that he was leading these cats to hunt!

"Look! An eagle!" Barkfur meowed out.

Ravenflight nodded. "You know what to do."

Snailclaw snarled. "And how will we get it to come down?"

Ravenflight stared at Treepaw. He was smaller than the warriors, but not so small for an eagle to come down. Will it be possible that they might trick the eagle by thinking Treepaw is tiny prey? Treepaw seemed to know what he was thinking and raced to the center of the hunting grounds, his head held highly.

Ravenflight gulped. What if this all went wrong? Though, Treepaw seemed to know what he was doing. The tabby brown apprentice fell limp on the floor. Ravenflight saw the eagle growing with interest, though it still circled the place.

"Come on. There's some bushes over there." Ravenflight whispered. "Snailclaw and Barkfur go that way and hide there. Me and Applenose will go to the rotting fences."

Ravenflight crept over to the fences that Twolegs put seasons ago. The wood was wet and mushy and was easy to knock down. Ravenflight sniffed and hid by them, he was uncomfortably aware that they were by the edge of the mountains.

Applenose did not seem to worry, her eyes were determined as the eagle began to dive down a bit. Suddenly the eagle let out a screech, ready to pick up Treepaw. Snailclaw burst out the bushes, knocking the eagle down. Barkfur yowled beside him. Ravenflight ran out too, he avoided the eagle's flying talons. Applenose snarled as the rest of the cats pinned the huge bird down, she killed the eagle with a death blow.

Blood trickled from Ravenflight's grazed paws. He nodded at the cat. Treepaw leaped to his paws, his tail flicking happily. Clump of fur was pulled from his flank, but he didn't seem to mind.

"Good job," Ravenflight meowed.

Treepaw let out a satisfied purr.

Ravenflight sniffed a mouse that laid in the prey-and-rock pile. His paws were grazed by walking on the stone of the mountain. Earlier, Lightspark had left to see Shrewwhisker because of bleeding paw pads from the rocks. Ravenflight knew that stone-hunters had tough skin on their paws pads, and he had them too, but he had nearly fallen off the edge of the mountain and he had scratched his pads badly as he fought to not fall.

Unsettling memories of when he was still an apprentice, and blind. He had almost

fallen off the ledge of the mountains, and thankfully, Hollowstep had saved him. Ravenflight glanced at Treepaw and Nightpaw, who were fighting viciously over a piece of fresh-kill. Ravenflight felt his heart stir when Treepaw had unsheathed his claws and aimed at the black and gray apprentice's ear. Nightpaw ducked down, snarling.

Ravenflight leaped to his paws and pounded over to the two apprentices. They continued to fight and Ravenflight saw blood searing from Nightpaw's cheek from where Treepaw scratched it.

"Stop it you two!" Ravenflight yowled with anger.

Treepaw looked up from where he fought Nightpaw. A bit of blood stained his claws.

"Why are you fighting for a piece of prey? There's plenty for you!"

Treepaw looked innocently at Ravenflight. "Because Nightpaw doesn't like this piece." He prodded to an eagle's wing. "And why should he get it if he complained about eating it before?"

Ravenflight snarled. "Stop at once! You can get another piece, Treepaw. And if I see you two fighting again, and spilling blood, then I will tell your mother."

Ravenflight whipped away from the apprentices, he did not want to hear them. Ravenflight gripped the ground. Why was Treepaw so aggressive? Did he get that from Spadeclaw? Was Spadeclaw like this in BreezeClan? Questions whirled around him, he pushed them away.

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