Chapter 28

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Ravenflight dropped the vole he carried onto the makeshift prey pile they made. The leaf-fall air brushed his fur, cold as ever. Ravenflight thought bitterly, if we don't get a home, we'll freeze to death out here. Either that, or starve. He knew that all the prey would hide away to their burrows, but there was hardly prey now.

"All the beached fish are gone." Foxtail murmured beside him, his sister's amber eyes were wide with sadness. Ravenflight nodded in agreement, there were plenty of fish to keep them well-fed for a few days, but they were gone now.

"How did the warriors do with fixing the camp today?" He prompted, trying to change the subject.

Foxtail seemed glad he did that. Her bushed out fur seemed to flatten, but still looked fluffy as it always did. "It went well. My claws still hurt from mending the nursery, but we'll be done soon." He knew that his sister was trying to convince herself more than he was trying to convince himself.

"I should help out next time," he mewed.

Foxtail's ears pricked as Sunblaze called her over. She nodded briefly at Ravenflight and scampered away. Ravenflight padded over to Hollowstep, his mate was eating a mouse. The three kits scrambling all over her.

Ravenflight lay by Hollowstep, their tails entwining. Hollowstep's ears were pricked.

"I heard you and Foxtail speaking about the camp," she mewed. "What's happening?"

"They're doing their best to fix it. And soon they'll have it ready."

Stripekit meowed in protest. "But I like it here!"

"It's too dangerous here!" Hollowstep hissed. "Foxes roam around here. That's why we sleep on the trees. While in camp they don't!"

Stripekit was frowning, but she padded away to play with her sisters.

Ravenflight threw away old brambles off the nursery. He felt exhausted. Sunblaze was shoveling away the fallen leaves on the ground, Foxtail worked beside him, complaining on how tired her paws were. They were working all morning and afternoon, and only took a few heartbeats for a break.

Badgerpaw was working hard though, she hadn't taken any breaks at all. Right now she ran out and inside the dens, bringing moss for comforts. And she helped fix the heather walls of the elders' den.

"You deserve a break." Sunblaze had mewed to her.

Badgerpaw shook her broad head. "I'll work as hard as I can. Even if it kills me."

Ravenflight glanced at Sunblaze. He knew why Badgerpaw was acting this way, she was

trying to prove that she would make a great warrior, even without being Clanborn. But why can't she understand that it doesn't matter?

"What about the mountain dens?" Applenose prompted, her white paws coated with blood, it must have been by grazing them.

"We fixed them long ago. They just needed new moss and leaf flaps," Foxtail grunted, she was focusing on fixing the nursery, not keeping her eyes off them. "I need more brambles!"

Ravenflight swallowed, brambles didn't grow on the moor. They usually found it by the mountain's ground, before it grew up and went to the skies. But they had collected so much that there were no more brambles.

"We can mend heather until they re-grow." Sunblaze suggested.

Applenose nodded and pushed heather over to Foxtail. Foxtail picked it up gingerly, sewing them into place. Ravenflight sighed, sitting down until Claweye hissed into his ear.

"If you're going to sit there all day, why don't you become useful?"

"Yes, Claweye." He mewed, standing up. Of course I need to listen to that fur-ball, he's the one in charge! Wait till I'm in charge! He growled.

He was padding to the leaders' den when Sunblaze had scrambled out, his eyes full of terror as he let out a horrified yowl. "Fox!"

Ravenflight leaped back when the russet-colored creature lunged at him, saliva dribbled from it's jaws and it's teeth were bared in anger. Ravenflight hissed, swiping at the fox's muzzle. The fox leaped back and screeched with rage, lunging at him again.

Ravenflight gasped as it nearly grasped his shoulder. Sunblaze leaped at the fox's flank, the fox turned to face Sunblaze, aiming a blow at his cheek. Blood dribbled from Sunblaze's cheek, but he did not give up.

Hissing with rage, Ravenflight leaped onto the fox's face, he fought furiously with it. Blood pounded in Ravenflight's ears as other cats joined in. Panting, Ravenflight watched as Claweye chased the fox away from the camp, it wriggled out the gorse bushes and disappeared.

"How—was it in there?" Foxtail demanded, blood coated her ginger pelt.

Sunblaze shook his head. "It must have been hiding!"

"Was there some sort of entrance from the other side?" Ravenflight asked.

Sunblaze looked confused for a bit, but the tom finally mewed. "I could have sworn I saw a tunnel in there. But I thought it must have been my imagination."

Claweye leaned forward, his teeth bared with anger. Ravenflight's fur bristled, was Claweye going to attack him? He pressed himself to the ground with panic, ready to leap on Claweye once he lunged the attack. But Claweye stayed still, his face nearly touched Sunblaze.

"You should have checked!" He snarled with fury. "Do you know how much danger that

cost us? If the fox did not appear there, then—then, Featherstar would have been killed when sleeping!"

"I'm sorry!" Sunblaze burst out, his whiskers quivering with guilt.

Foxtail leaped beside Sunblaze. "How dare you accuse him? He didn't know!"

Claweye's fur flattened. "Your right. Anger still fueled in me after the attack, I am sorry. Why don't you and Foxtail fix up that tunnel?"

Sunblaze still looked terrified, but he nodded, padding away with Foxtail pressed at his side. Ravenflight sighed, his claws still pricking the ground, why did Claweye get so aggressive? He looked at Claweye as he padded away, his heart lurched when the warrior casted a glance of fury at him, eyes gleaming. Ravenflight's breath caught in his throat, he was doing this to every cat!

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