Chapter 20

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Ravenflight almost fell to the floor as two kits ran out the den. Rowankit, and Snakekit. Their eyes shone brightly as they stared at Ravenflight. Ravenflight let out a purr of amusement.

Rowankit crept closer. "Did StarClan really bless you with the ability to see?" The tiny she-kit asked.

"Yes. They did." He purred.

Bristlenose peered out the nursery, a cold expression on her face. "So what? StarClan is cruel." The tabby gray queen snarled.

Rowankit and Snakekit let out squeals of horror and scrambled back into the nursery. Ravenflight frowned, why is Bristlenose so cruel now? He asked himself.

"Ravenflight over here!"

Ravenflight turned back, he saw Treepaw, crouching on the floor and scrambling on loose moss. Ravenflight let out a purr of amusement as Treepaw leaped into the air, catching the thin air and landing on his back. Soon leaping back up and pretending to pounce on an invisible enemy. Ravenflight heart struck as he remembered Mistleheart showed him that move.

She won't speak to me anymore, he reminded himself, though he felt dizzy thinking about it. Treepaw pounced on Ravenflight's tail, sending him leaping into the air.

"Watch it!" he meowed.

Treepaw leaped onto his paws, eyes wide. "I did well!"

"Sure did," Ravenflight muttered back.

Hollowstep trotted over to Ravenflight, her brown head held high. Ravenflight flicked his tail as he saw her.

"Teaching Treepaw? Can I come? I'm hoping to have Badgerkit as my apprentice."

"Sure!" Ravenflight purred. "Why don't we go to the Battle Hollow and see your moves?"

Treepaw nodded excitedly and trotted behind his mentor as the three of them entered a smooth hollow with gorse outlines and smooth soft dirt, it was mushy at this time. Ravenflight sniffed, all the moor had dips and the dirt was wet like the mud in CloudClan. StarClan don't let any cat from CliffClan drown! He desperately thought.

"Show me that move again. But try it on me." He flicked his tail.

"Which one? The one where I roll onto my stomach, knocking my enemy and pinning them?" Asked Treepaw, getting into position.

Ravenflight nodded. Treepaw let out a battle cry and leaped onto Ravenflight. Ravenflight pushed him away with hefty paws, sending Treepaw back. Treepaw hissed and jumped into the air, mid-way slashing at Ravenflight. Treepaw ducked down and rolled

onto his stomach. Ravenflight ran towards him, about to pin him down. Before he reached him, Treepaw leaped up and knocked Ravenflight off his paws with his tail. Ravenflight hissed as he fell onto his back, Treepaw pinning him. Treepaw's eyes gleamed with triumph.

"Well done!" Ravenflight panted, exhaustion ran through him.

Hollowstep pressed her muzzle on Ravenflight's shoulder, meowing in bewilderment: "You taught him that?" she asked, eyes round.

"Yup. At least some—"

Treepaw flicked his tail, puffing out his chest fur. "I practiced for many sunrises. CloudClan won't see me coming!" He began to stand on his hindlegs and swipe at thin air, snarling angrily.

He's quite ambitious, he thought, that's good. Treepaw's whiskers twitched angrily.

"Won't you teach me more?" his apprentice sneered.

"I will. Let me rest." Ravenflight meowed, rolling his green eyes.

Hollowstep scrambled onto her paws, looking at the young apprentice. "Train with me."

Treepaw did not reply, just stare at her suspiciously. He nodded and the two began to fight. Ravenflight's heart skipped when he saw Hollowstep unmoving on the floor, when suddenly she leaped back up when Treepaw was yowling with triumph. Ravenflight purred in amusement.

"That's enough for today," Ravenflight had meowed after training for a while.

Treepaw looked disappointed. "But the sun's not down!"

"But it will be any heartbeat now." Ravenflight snorted.

Hollowstep nodded. Treepaw didn't look convinced, but he still followed Ravenflight out the hollow. Ravenflight let Treepaw pick his prey from the prey-and-rock pile, then led him and Hollowstep to eat by a log.

They both shared an eagle, that's wings had been cut off by a hungry warrior. He could feel Snailclaw's piercing gaze on them as they ate.

Hollowstep sniffed. "Ignore him, he's a jealous furball."

Ravenflight purred in reply. After a while of eating, Ravenflight was about to leave until Hollowstep stood in front of him.

"Wait!" Hollowstep meowed quickly. "I need to tell you something important."

Ravenflight tipped his head. What was so important that he couldn't wait? He noticed his mate hesitating to mew, Ravenflight nudged her gently.

"I'm . . . expecting kits," she finally whispered.

Ravenflight let out a purr of excitement. "I'm so happy for you! I'm going to be a father." Then he noticed something dreadful. "What about when you battled Treepaw? You shouldn't do that if you expect kits now!"

Hollowstep purred softly, touching her nose with his. "I'm fine. I'm okay aren't I?"

"Yes. But the kits might not be!" Ravenflight lashed his tail angrily.

Hollowstep just let out a purr of amusement. "I'll go to Shrewwhisker and prove it."

Ravenflight nodded. He couldn't stand seeing his mate—who now expected kits—acting like a care-free apprentice. Why didn't she tell me before? The kits can be at a high-risk of danger if she keeps on like this!

He trotted behind Hollowstep, head held proudly. He was going to be a father!

"Isn't Hollowstep too young to have kits?" Blueleaf was meowing to Applenose, Frostears, who had gotten her warrior name, was beside her.

Applenose rolled her eyes. "Of course not! She's at a perfect age. They'll have lovely kits."

Snailclaw had trotted over to Blueleaf and Applenose, his shoulder fur bristling. The brown tom curled his lips back, snarling. "Who's having kits?"

Blueleaf stared at her son blankly, then mewed: "Hollowstep. Why?"

Ravenflight watched uneasily when Snailclaw had unsheathed his thorn-sharp claws, digging them into the peaty soil. He nodded, solemnly, and padded away. Ravenflight gulped, Snailclaw was furious!

Ravenflight watched in horror has Snailclaw pushed himself towards him. Ravenflight squeezed his eyes shut.

"Furball! Can't you stay away from my business?" Snailclaw spat at Ravenflight.

"You're business? Since when has this been your business?"

Snailclaw leaned closer, "since you were blind. And I wish you had stayed that way, desperate furball."

Ravenflight snarled angrily, wanting to launch himself at Snailclaw. Instead, he mewed gently. "Why do we fight? Your father and my mother and siblings. We shouldn't fight, we are kin."

"Crowfood to that!" Snailclaw yowled angrily. Ravenflight winced as Snailclaw had pounced towards him. But instead of landing on Ravenflight, Snailclaw had run away to the other side of camp. Ravenflight tried to smoothen his bristling fur.

Dumb furball! He thought angrily.

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