Chapter 1

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Ravenkit felt the sun beam in his eyes. He yawned, shaking his black and white fur. He saw Foxkit sleeping calmly beside him, snoring.

Snailkit seemed to have woken too. The young brown tom was grooming his short fur.

"Hey, Ravenkit! Wanna play moss ball?" Snailkit asked, his tail flicking.

Ravenkit shook his head. "I don't feel like it."

Snailkit frowned.

Ravenkit peered out the nursery, it's bramble walls flickered with sun and the cold musty air crawled inside. Applenose was shivering and tucked her kits closer to her.

"What are you doing awake daft furball?" A purr erupted, Ravenkit turned to face his sister Foxkit. Foxkit's amber eyes were round with curiosity

"Hoping to play in the snow." Ravenkit mewed, he had never seen it before. Only touched it. Blindness had stopped him from seeing anything, but Ravenkit didn't mind. He could hear and smell at least. Ravenkit flicked his stubby tail.

Foxkit yawned. "I think we should wait for the others to wake."

Snailkit rolled his eyes. "Frostkit won't play. Her fur is too thin!"

"Snailkit, your fur is just too bushy." She gave the youngest kit a lick over his head.

Petalkit had woken up, she yawned. Then Hollowkit and Beetlekit. Beetlekit grumbled complaining about how he got no sleep because of Petalkit's kicking. Petalkit just cuffed him around his ears.

"Let's go!" Foxkit demanded.

What about Frostkit? Ravenkit opened his mouth to talk but was cut off because of Blueleaf. The silver she-cat's eyes were tired, but her voice was strong. Her fur matted.

"Oh no you don't!" Blueleaf stopped them. "Wait for Frostkit to wake."

Snailkit flicked his tail. Beetlekit piped up. "Frostkit sleeps nearly all day. Why should we wait?" Ravenkit fluffed out his fur twice his size, it was cold.

Blueleaf rolled his eyes. "You kits are too impatient. Go now."

As the kits ran off, Ravenkit couldn't help but hear Applenose whisper to Blueleaf. "Blueleaf. . . do you think something's wrong with Frostkit?"

"No! How can you think that?" Blueleaf snapped, Applenose winced. "Frostkit is just as fine as any other kit!"

Is that really true? Ravenkit frowned. Frostkit almost never listened to what the other kits spoke about and attacked other kits without playing a specific game with fighting. Blueleaf said she was just playful but it seemed to be something else. . .

At least she's not blind like me, Ravenkit thought bitterly

Ravenkit trotted outside. A fresh wave of coldness rushed through him.

Petalkit was flinging snow at Beetlekit then running away when Beetlekit hissed at her. Foxkit was showing Petalkit how to throw snow without flinging it. Ravenkit breath in the cold air, his paws ached but he knew leaf-bare was soon to leave. Ravenkit recognized Featherstar's voice. Featherstar was Ravenkit's mother's father.

"It's nice to see you kits out." Featherstar purred. "Where's Frostkit?"

"Sleeping her day away," Snailkit replied, scuffling the floor.

Pinefrost, father of Snailkit and Frostkit, was the son of Featherstar too. Ravenkit yawned. "And I would too."

Hollowkit purred.

Featherstar nodded, his green eyes looking anxiously at Ravenkit. Ravenkit felt Featherstar's gaze on him, he shrugged it off. Beetlekit flicked his tail.

"Let's play Clans!" Hollowkit suggested, she crouched down pouncing on Ravenkit.

Ravenkit struggled under Hollowkit. "Get away mangy BreezeClan warrior!"

Hollowkit's eyes grew round. "BreezeClan warrior?" The brown she-kit spat. "I'm BreezeClan's loyal deputy!"

Ravenkit hissed. "And I'm CliffClan's leader! Ravenstar."

"How can you be a leader?" Beetlekit snarled. "You're blind!"

Foxkit shot Beetlekit a warning glance. Ravenkit's fur rose, he hated when other kits called him out for being blind. Growling, Ravenkit shot forward at Beetlekit. Beetlekit yelped as Ravenkit sunk his teeth into his paws. The two kits scuffled on the ground, claws unsheathed until Blueleaf picked Ravenkit up.

The silver she-cat's eyes burned with anger. Frostkit was at her side. Blueleaf dropped Ravenkit. Ravenkit hackles rose, he knew the blame was on him.

"Ravenkit! You know better than to attack your denmates!" Blueleaf hissed.

Ravenkit looked away and meowed. "He called me blind."

Beetlekit's fur was ruffled, his eyes round and innocent. "Well. You are."

Ravenkit was going to attack Beetlekit again when Blueleaf pulled him back. Ravenkit sighed, his tiny claws pricked the soil beneath him.

"Come on guys let's just finish our game." Petalkit mewed. "Ravenkit can be leader, Hollowkit deputy. And I can be a queen with my kit. Who will be a medicine cat?"

"Frostkit can be." Ravenkit meowed, excitement sparked in Ravenkit's chest. He was finally going to be leader in their Clan's game! Beetlekit's tail drooped down.

"And I need to be your kit?" Beetlekit murmured.

Petalkit tipped her head. "Would you rather be a medicine cat?"

Foxkit flicked her tail. "I can be your kit, Petalkit."

Ravenkit leaped up onto a tree trunk, wind ruffled his black and white fur as he stared below the kits. In this game he would be known as Ravenstar. The kits looked up at Ravenkit as if they depended on him. And they do in this game! Ravenkit purred, he would

enjoy being a leader. Suddenly Frostkit scrambled onto Beetlekit, knocking him into the floor. Beetlekit shuffled under her weight, snarling.

Frostkit giggled. "A CloudClan warrior is loose on our territory!" Foxkit squealed.

Beetlekit nipped Frostkit's paws. Frostkit leaped back, eyes wide. Petalkit squealed. Hollowkit pounced on Frostkit, hitting her face with soft paws. Frostkit pretended to grow limp. As Hollowkit released her, Frostkit ran away almost stumbling into Claweye who snarled at her.

Ravenkit's ears pricked, there was a noise that splitted the air. Like a screech.

"Eagle!" Beetlekit mewed.

There was an eagle circling the camp. "Kits come here!" Blueleaf called.

The kits scrambled into the den, all except Frostkit.

"Frostkit's still outside!" Ravenkit meowed, he wished he could see where Frostkit was though. Ravenkit's whiskers trembled.

Blueleaf raced outside, picking up Frostkit anxiously and bringing her back. Blueleaf dropped Frostkit down into the den.

"Didn't she hear you call her?" Applenose meowed, her eyes suspicious.

Blueleaf fur lifted on her spine. Her eyes cold. "Of course she did." Blueleaf murmured. "She was just far away."

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