Chapter 14

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Ravenpaw hissed as he heard Hollowpaw and Snailpaw chatting loudly. The brown tom just spoke and spoke. Hollowpaw purred every now and then. Ravenpaw felt his fur prick, he hadn't spoken to Hollowpaw to what seemed like a moon. And Hollowpaw seemed to grow more distant. Ravenpaw felt jealousy grow within him.

His ears pricked as Featherstar scrambled onto the Meeting Tree and yowled his calling. Ravenpaw grew closer, curiosity burst in him.

"Today four apprentices will become warriors!" Ravenpaw felt his heart sink when he heard five, would he be included in those five? Why not six? "Beetlepaw come up!" Beetlepaw raced over to the tree, gazing proudly. "From now on you should be known as Beetlewing!"

Ravenpaw felt Beetlewing's fur brush his as he sat beside him. Next up was Petalpaw, who was given the name Petalbreeze.

"Hollowpaw come up!" Hollowpaw bounded forward. "You shall now be known as Hollowstep."

Hollowstep purred loudly. And then cameFoxpaw. "You will be known as Foxtail." And soon came Snailpaw, given the name Snailclaw.

The Clan yowled the new warriors names. Ravenpaw felt jealousy prick in him, but he managed to yowl as well, as loud as he could. Foxtail trotted over to Ravenpaw. Ravenpaw just smiled weakly.

"I'm sure you'll get your warrior name soon." Foxtail promised, she nuzzled him. "Plus, Frostpaw is still an apprentice isn't she?" But that's different! He wanted to hiss out, but he nodded.

Ravenpaw raced up to Bristlenose, his voice challenging. "Why wasn't I made a warrior? Is it because I'm blind?"

"You're not ready, Ravenpaw." Bristlenose mewed simply. Ravenpaw felt his hackles rising.

"It is because I'm blind!"

Ravenpaw raced over to the apprentices' den, dizziness growing inside him. He managed to flop on his nest, he curled to sleep. StarClan help me!

Ravenpaw woke up in the Frost Forest. He managed to spot Mistleheart easily.

"Mistleheart!" He yowled. "I need your training. We need to fight harder! Bristlenose thinks I can't be made a warrior because I'm blind."

Mistleheart jerked her head to face him. Her green eyes were furious. Ravenpaw hesitated, why was she so angry?

"You don't need training anymore," the calico warrior snarled. "Because you're being

granted eyesight from StarClan!"

"Yeah? Isn't that best for me?" He challenged, though, his heart was pierced like shards.

"Certainly not." Mistleheart spat. "What about me? You'll no longer train with me."

Ravenpaw dipped his head. "I'm sure you can manage."

Mistleheart just nodded. "I can." She purred. "I'll be training Frostpaw instead."

"I'm leading the patrol! Listen to me!" Snailclaw snarled into Ravenpaw's ear.

Ravenpaw had volunteered to join a hunting patrol with the moor-hunters. Ravenpaw just shrugged, in front of him, he just heard Hollowstep and Snailclaw chatting like songbirds. Snailclaw kept close to Hollowstep always, Ravenpaw narrowed his blind eyes.

"Will you two shut it? Or else all prey will hear you from far away," he hissed.

Snailclaw halted and faced him. "Don't tell us what to do!"

There were no senior warriors here. Only the three of them. Ravenpaw never had felt the need to have sight. Hollowstep flicked her tail as an eagle flew above them. Ravenpaw went in a hunting crouch.

"You'll just wait it out." Snailclaw whispered to Ravenpaw.

Ravenpaw was about to protest, until the two of them leaped out of the tall grass they hid in, and onto the eagle. They fought viciously and brought back the brown bird. Ravenpaw sniffed.

"You fought well." Snailclaw purred to Hollowstep. Hollowstep didn't reply, though, Ravenpaw felt her eyes on him.

"I'll just go catch a mouse I scented." Ravenpaw muttered.

He strayed away from the both of them. He just wanted to get away. He didn't want to listen to them purring like lovebirds. He caught the scent of a cat, it was clearly Thicketstripe's. Ravenpaw followed the scent until he was beside the river. He stopped.

The scent of BreezeClan mingled on the shore, as well as Thicketstripe's. Ravenpaw eyes grew round, was she attacked? Ravenpaw noticed that the scent was stale, but his confusion and worriedness was still in him.

Ravenpaw padded past Mumbletooth. He heard Mumbletooth meowing to Blueleaf.

"Snailclaw seems to like Hollowstep." The old elder rasped. "Do you think they might have kits later on?"

"It'd be nice to have a new litter." Blueleaf admitted. "Especially from my own son."

Ravenpaw felt jealousness in him, but he shrugged it off. Why would he care if Snailclaw and Hollowstep were mates? He trotted off, feeling better.

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