Chapter 1

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"REMUS HURRY UP!" Eleanor screamed from the bottom of the stairs. 

The last thing she wanted was to be late for their train. Mrs. Lupin was doing her final check of their trunks and gasped as she rummaged through Remus' luggage. 

"What's wrong mum?" Eleanor frowned. 

"He isn't taking his teddy bear with him," she sniffed. 

"MUM!" Remus hollered, "I'm twelve what do you expect?!" he said, running down the stairs.

 Eleanor chuckled and got a look from her brother because she knew all too well that he had actually lost his teddy bear, which was why it wasn't in his trunk. 

"Okay are you guys ready?" Mr. Lupin said happily. 

He first apparated to King's Cross with his wife and daughter and then got Remus and the rest of their stuff. Eleanor beamed as she saw the Hogwarts Express, knowing she too would be going on board this year. 

"Well, we'll see you on Christmas break," their mother kissed the top of their heads, "and please behave yourselves, I don't want another letter from Professor McGonagall telling me you have set off another load of dungbombs in front of the Slytherin common room," she looked at Remus strictly, who grinned as he thought back at that day. 

"Group hug!" Mr. Lupin pulled his family together into a loving hug. 

"Dad this is so embarrassing," Remus groaned. They all laughed and pulled apart. 

"Write to us okay? Every week," their mother asked. 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Eleanor said impatiently, grabbing her brother's wrist, "C'mon Remus, let's find us somewhere to sit!" 

Eleanor dragged him with her onto the train. 

"Eh El," Remus began, "I've actually told James, Sirius, and Peter I would sit with them." He scratched the back of his neck, feeling a bit guilty. 

"But, but I don't know anybody yet, surely they won't mind if I join you?" she pouted at him.

 He sighed, "Okay fine, you can sit with me." he walked on to the back of the train. Eleanor immediately followed him. 

"Where are they..." he mumbled. 

In front of him walked a pale boy with greasy black hair, probably also looking for a familiar face. Then, within a flash of a second, Eleanor saw a leg sticking out on her right, and the boy tripped, falling flat on his face. She gasped and then frowned at the roaring laughter coming from the compartment to their right. 

Remus then turned around to face her, "Found them," he said with a smirk. 

She shook her head in disbelief as Remus entered the compartment, sitting next to a rather peaky-looking boy with blonde hair, who she believed to be Peter. Just as she wanted to join her brother, the pale boy got up from the ground and took out his wand, pointing it at one of the other boys in the compartment. 

"Hey, put that away!" a Gryffindor Prefect yelled from behind her. 

The boy lowered his wand, "You'll pay for that, Potter," he spat. 

"It's four against one Snivellus, good luck." she heard who would probably be James say. The boy cursed something under his breath and walked on.  

Eleanor raised her eyebrows and sat down next to her brother. Suddenly they all went silent. 

"Er, hi?" she said nervously. Remus rolled his eyes. 

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