Chapter 46

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Suddenly the coughing stopped and you could hear a pin drop. Eleanor didn't know whether that was a good sign or not.

Remus pushed back his chair and got up. "Thanks for dinner mum," he said and quickly paced away.

But he didn't get far. "Remus Lupin, sit your butt down this instant," she ordered him. She then turned to Eleanor, who had buried her face in her hands.

Mrs. Lupin looked concerned. "Honey it's okay, I'm not mad at you or anything, but at your brother for being so reckless. You clearly didn't want to tell us yet," she said, glancing over at Remus who sat down again.

Eleanor looked up. "So- So you're okay with it?" she asked carefully.

"Of course we are! Sirius seemed like a very nice young man. He's the one you gave your record player right?" Eleanor nodded. Mrs. Lupin smiled. "I can't wait to meet him properly."

Eleanor let out a relieved sigh. Her mother was okay with it. That was good.

She looked over at her father, who was staring out ahead of him. "Dad? Are you okay?" she asked with a frown. But he didn't respond.

"Lyall!" her mother hissed. His head shot up and he blinked a couple of times.

"Er right, yes, yes of course it's okay. As long as you're happy dear," he said with a little smile.

Eleanor beamed and got up. She hugged both her mother and father tightly. "Thank you, thank you!" she said and kissed each of them on their cheek.

Just then the doorbell rang. Remus frowned and got up. "I'll get it," he mumbled, wanting to get away from his mother's wrath anyway.

He walked over to the front door and opened it. "Evening!" a tall blonde man at the front said.

"Er hi," Remus said a bit unsure.

"Yeh must be Remus?" he asked. Remus nodded. The man smiled and extended his hand for him to shake.

Remus took it. "Kolton Hale, we're your new neighbours," he explained. Remus' mouth made an 'o' shape.

"Kolton, Eryn!" Remus' head snapped around as Mr. Lupin's voice came from behind him. "Come in, come in. We just told the kids about you!"

He let go of Mr. Hale's hand and walked back into the living room to let the family through.

Mrs. Lupin went into the hall. "Eryn how lovely to have you! Oh and the boys as well, I'm sure the kids will get along," she said in a delighted way.

Eleanor stood next to her brother, both of them had their hands behind their backs like they were going to be tested for the military.

"Did you see them?" she whispered, keeping her eyes on the doorway to the hall.

Remus shook his head. "Their dad blocked my view, he's huge," he whispered back. Eleanor chuckled.

They watched anxiously as the door opened, only to see their mother walk in first. "Oh Eryn it looks delicious, you shouldn't have," Mrs. Lupin said, holding what looked like a cake.

A smaller woman walked in after her. She had long, brown hair and bright blue eyes. Eleanor thought she had a very pretty smile.

"Just something to welcome the kids dear," she said. Her eyes then fell on Remus and Eleanor standing next to the fireplace. "Oh here they are!"

She walked over to them and shook their hands. "Eryn Hale," she introduced herself with a big smile. Eleanor smiled back after saying her name.

"My aren't you a tall one! I thought our boys were the only ones," she said with a little laugh. Remus chuckled slightly, his ears turning pink. Eleanor looked over at her brother and sniggered a little once Eryn had walked over to their mother again.

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