Chapter 52

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Remus spent little time outside their dorm until the next full moon. He didn't even come along to watch the Quidditch match between Hufflepuff and Slytherin.

Slytherin won, and with the last match of the year between the two rival houses Gryffindor and Slytherin, both going for the cup, it definitely was going to be interesting.

Eleanor tried to accompany her brother whenever he wanted to. She listened to him practice on Andrew's guitar a lot, and he was getting pretty good at it.

"Can I try?" James asked him.

It was the night before the full moon and the boys had brought the guitar with them to the infirmary to cheer Remus up a bit. He'd been feeling sick all day already, complaining about terrible pain in his joints.

Remus nodded. "Yeah, go on," he said with a smile.

James grinned and took it from him. "Just be careful eh?" Remus said, scared the boy would ruin it.

"Bloody hell who d'you think I am Lupin," James said. "I know how to handle a guitar."

Eleanor had to bite her tongue as James intently looked at the strings and tried to figure out where to put his fingers. Sirius had a bemused look on his face as he put an arm around Eleanor. James scrunched up his face in uncertainty and his eyes shot up to get some kind of confirmation from Remus.

Then he strummed down once. Peter put his hands to his ears. "Merlin's balls Potter, I'd like to see another day if you will!" he joked.

"Ah shut up you twat," James snarled and handed the guitar back to Remus.

"Pete's right though, you're downright rubbish," said the boy with the dark circles under his eyes.

"Well I ain't had a single fucking lesson have I!" James defended himself.

Eleanor sniggered softly to herself. She loved watching them be like this. It just gave her a sense of normal, even if things really weren't normal at all.

The boys had been trying to confront Snape ever since she'd told them about it. They just hadn't figured out how yet. It would be foolish to just go up to him and start a fight because he found out about Remus' furry little problem.

James was who came up with the idea to stay in denial. If they just pretended like they didn't have the foggiest about what he was saying, he'd probaby let it go sooner or later.

Eleanor was okay with that idea, she didn't come up with snything betted herself anyway. The only thing that scared her was the fact that Snape could easily try and convince other students that 'something was definitely wrong with that Remus Lupin', as he'd put it so many times before already.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when James suddenly spoke to her.

"You're a real good one, laughing at others when you can't even play anything yourself," he said. Eleanor shrugged and stuck out her tongue at him.

"Ella can sing," Remus said absentmindedly while playing a soft tune.

She snorted. "Yeah right, and you're the king of Scotland," she said, leaning back in her seat.

She tried to act normal, she secretly liked it when he said things about her like that. Singing had always been one of her hobbies, mostly doing it while doing homework by herself or when she was in the shower.

Sirius and Peter looked rather confused, whilst a huge grin spread on James' face. He crossed his arms over his chest and put one foot against the hospital bed.

"Well do please my ears with your divine voice m'lady," he said with a wink.

Eleanor rolled her eyes but couldn't hold back a slight blush creeping to her cheeks.

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