Chapter 57

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Eleanor watched James as he got up, ready to walk over to the Slytherins. James had always had this sort of 'heroism' thing in him, trying to save everything and everyone.

"Oh no he's not," Lily said, putting her book down. She abruptly got up and stepped in front of him, frustration clearly showing on her face.

James frowned down at her. "What?" he said.

"You can't, you're not a Prefect Potter," she said as she crossed her arms over her chest. Eleanor had to laugh a little at that.

"Ah I see," James nodded. He looked back over his shoulder. "Oi Moony, you coming mate?"

Remus held up his hand. "Right with ya mate," he said as he got to his feet as well.

"Cheers," James tipped his imaginary hat at him as he walked past.

Lily's jaw dropped as her eyes followed Remus walking up the hill, hands casually in his pockets.

"Sorry what were you saying again?" James said with a sickening sweet smile on his lips.

The redhead sighed and shook her head, then walked away, seeing that there was no point in trying to stop him.

"Oi!" Remus yelled from far away. They all looked up at him. "Seems more like a four-man job to me!"

Sirius grinned widely next to her. Eleanor looked at him anxiously. He looked back at her, and, seeing the look on her face, rolled his eyes.

"What now?" he asked, sounding a little irritated.

"Just- don't do anything stupid," said Eleanor.

Peter stiffled a laugh and got up. "Right, you apparantly don't know your own boyfriend very well," he snorted. "Come on eh Pads."

"Right you are Pete, right you are," Sirius replied with a grin.

And with that the Marauders were off to settle peace yet again.
Or at least something like that.

The boys turned their backs on them and walked up the hill together, talking to each other as they did so.

A smile formed on Eleanor's lips. Seeing them together like that just made her the happiest she could be.
She had missed her boys so much.

"Maybe we should go over there, in case something happens?" Lily said, biting her bottom lip.

The girls shared some looks with each other, and then unanimously stood up together. They slowly walked up the hill, but stopped when they were a couple feet away from the boys.

Eleanor crossed her arms over her chest and shifted between her legs as she kept an eye on them. Lily stood right behind her.

"Alright Snivellus?" Eleanor heard James say.

Snape's head turned, causing the floating second-year to fall to the ground with a grunt. As Snape's other friends turned around to look as well, Peter dashed forward to help the younger student to his feet.

"Alright Potter," Snape snarled, lowering his wand but keeping a firm grip on it nonetheless.

"Oh I'm alright," James said.

Where on earth is he going with this?

He spread his arms. "We're alright. But that," he pointed his finger at the sobbing boy on the ground, "is not alright, eh Snivelly?"

Snape looked at a couple of his croonies before they broke into evil chuckles and laughs. The sound of it made a muscle in James' jaw twitch.

He took his wand from his robe pocket and pointed it at Snape.

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