Chapter 49

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Sirius stayed for dinner that evening and left soon after. Eleanor had decided she wouldn't mention Andrew anymore, which was easier because Remus went to have dinner with the Hales.

The next few days, when she lay in bed, all she could think about was that afternoon in the rain. It was still so surreal to her that they'd actually already told one another they loved each other.

Her and Sirius had planned she would come to Potter Manor on the seventeenth, the day before Easter. It felt a bit strange to her that she would be meeting James' parents instead of Mr. and Mrs. Black. But, as Sirius had made very clear, she should be happy about that.

Eleanor tried very hard to kind of avoid having to talk to Andrew, but it was getting increasingly difficult when him and her brother started spending more time together.

They would constantly come to each others houses to either practice playing guitar, or to play football with Ian in the garden. Eleanor played along as well a couple of times, but quickly discovered she was rubbish at the sport.

Remus didn't talk to her much anymore. She didn't quite understand why, but she figured it had something to do with the way Sirius had behaved towards Andrew. Although she couldn't see why that was any of her fault.

Truth was, she was getting sick and tired of the constant tension, so she was happy when she stepped in the fireplace that morning and yelled "Potter Manor!" before throwing the floo powder to the ground.

She felt herself get sucked up into the fireplace and she tried to keep her eyes open as she passed hundreds if not thousands of other homes.

Eventually, she touched the ground again. Eleanor was coughing because of the powder when she stepped out of the fireplace. When she opened her eyes again, she couldn't believe what she saw.

Eleanor was standing it what was the biggest dining room she'd ever set foot in. The table could've seated at least eighteen people, and two beautiful chandeliers hung above it. Portraits hung on the two longest walls, mostly of men, posing like they were important people. The windows on either side of the room reached from the floor all the way up to the ceiling. Heavy maroon coloured curtains hung on the sides of them.

Was she even in the right house? Sure, James was rich, but not this rich. Right?

She carefully took a couple of steps forward. The sound of her footsteps echoed through the giant room. Eleanor walked towards the archway that lead to God-knows-where.

"Sirius?" she said, not even trying to be loud because everything in this bloody place echoed.

Eleanor shrieked when suddenly there was a crack in front of her, and a small house elf appeared.

"Oh goodness! Tinsley did not mean to scare Eleanor Lupin!" the tiny creature squeeked, coming up to her and grabbing her hand.

She chuckled, still becoming of the shock. "It's okay, just not used to that," she said kindly, smiling at the elf.

Tinsley's huge eyes beamed up at her. "Master Sirius has told everything about miss Lupin, she's a very kind person who loves him very dearly!" the elf said, sounding very excited.

Eleanor couldn't help but smile from ear to ear at that. "Thank you.. Er Tinsley? Is it?"

The elf nodded eagerly. "Yes, yes, Tinsley the house elf! Always there to serve the Potters!" Tinsley said with a smile.

"Could you maybe take me to Sirius, Tinsley?" she asked sweetly.

Tinsley nodded her head again, her bat-like ears flapping as she did. "The family is in the parlor miss Eleanor," she said, letting go of Eleanor's hand as she walked out in front of her.

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