Chapter 9

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After finally having coughed up the water, which caused him a lot of pain because of his aching back, he turned to Eleanor. 

"Why did you do this?" he asked desperately. 

"Me? Why, dear brother, how dare you to accuse me of such foolish thinking," she said, clutching at her heart and sounding offended. 

"Oh cut the act Lupin, I know you were looking things up about it all the bloody time," he said, waving her lies aside. 

"That doesn't mean I supported this idea!" she said, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"What are you talking about Ella, this was your idea," James laughed, looking confused. 

"Well, yeah, but I wasn't sure if I was going through with it," she mumbled, shuffling her feet across the floor. 

"Exactly, you just needed a little push in the right direction, and that's where we came in," Sirius grinned. 

"It might have escaped your notice, Black, but this is not helping this situation," she gave him a sarcastic smile. 

Sirius stuck out his tongue at her, to which Eleanor did the same thing. 

"Oh yes, very mature indeed, definitely ready to become Animagi," Remus said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh come on Lupin, it's not like we don't know what we're doing, we've done a lot of research!" said James, running a hand through his messy hair. 

"Yeah," Peter chimed in, "Besides, we're doing this for you."

Remus shook his head, "You should all just shut up because none of this is going to happen," he mumbled. 

"You can't stop us!" James yelled, just as Madam Pomfrey returned from whatever she was doing before. 

The Gryffindors could tell from the look on her face that she clearly did not like what was going on in her Hospital Wing.

"What do you think you're doing, arguing like this! Out, all of you!" she said angrily, gesturing towards the door. 

"Yeah, just go, we'll talk about this later," Remus sighed, sinking back into his bed. The other three stood up to leave.

"You too mister Lupin," she looked at him strictly. 

Sirius snorted, trying not to laugh, and Remus looked taken aback. 

"But- But they started it!" Remus said, pointing at the others. 

"If you can put up a fuss like that I trust you can also stay in your own bed for the remainder of the day," she put his stuff in a bag and handed it to him. 

"Now leave, out! Out I said!" Pomfrey yelled. 

The others had already reached the door, and they were bent over with laughter. Remus tumbled out of the hospital bed and hastily put on a shirt. 

Not even bothered to look for his socks, he ran for the door barefoot, "C'mon let's go before she starts to spit fire or summat," he mumbled. 

They all laughed and left the Hospital Wing, not entirely sure if they'd ever be welcome back in again. Except for Remus of course. Because even thoigh he sometimes made Madam Pomfrey's blood boil, she knew he need her for help. So he was always welcome.


After they had dropped off Remus' stuff the five of them decided it was still warm enough outside to hang out there. They still wanted to convince Remus that what they were going to do was right, and they wanted to do it for him.

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