Chapter 37

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Peter was sitting on the sofa in their living room. He glanced up at the grandfather clock every once in a while to check the time. One-thirty; Dumbledore could be here any minute now.

"Sure you don't want anything to eat dear?" Mrs. Pettigrew asked, taking off her apron.

She had been baking up a storm, something she always did when she was nervous or stressed. This time Peter didn't know which of the two had caused her to bake two cakes and twenty biscuits.

He shook his head. "No thanks mum," he said.

He hadn't managed to eat properly ever since he got the letter telling him he was expelled. The moment he got home he shredded the thing to pieces and threw it in the fireplace.

The only thing which had kept him going was the letter he had gotten from his best friends the day before. He kept it in his pocket so he could look at it again when he needed to.

And this was one of those moments again. He put his hand in his trouser pocket and got out the slightly crumpled up letter. Though the tear in it wasn't his fault, that was sure.

He smiled to himself as his eyes went over the sentences again

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He smiled to himself as his eyes went over the sentences again. Peter didn't need names to figure out which handwriting belonged to who, it was very obvious.

Peter's head shot up when he heard a crack coming from the hallway. Dumbledore. He got up and put the letter back in his pocket.

"Ah headmaster, how good to see you again," Mrs. Pettigrew smiled at the old man.

Dumbledore gave her a nod. "Good afternoon Eliza," he said in his usual calm voice. He looked over at Peter.

"Hello Professor," Peter said shyly. He had always felt a bit impressed by Dumbledore.

Dumbledore smiled at him. "Are you ready to go Peter?" he asked him.

Peter nodded and stepped forward. Dumbledore held up his arm for him to hold on to. Peter did so quite uncertainly.

"Good luck dear," Mrs. Pettigrew said with a worried look on her face. But she tried to give her son an encouraging smile nonetheless.

"Thanks, mum," he mumbled.

Dumbledore looked down at the mousy boy next to him. "Hold on," he said.

Peter gulped. The next moment he felt his feet being swept off the ground. Everything was pressing onto him and he thought he was maybe going to explode. Everything was turning. Until then, sooner than expected, his feet touched the ground again.

"Well?" Dumbledore asked him with a little smile.

Peter shrugged. "A bit dizzy but other than that, not as bad as I thought it would be," he said honestly.

Dumbledore chuckled softly. Peter looked around him. They were in a hallway covered in emerald green tiles. It looked rather grim.

"We have to go a bit further, Courtroom 6," the bearded man told Peter and they started walking down the hall.

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