Chapter 55

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Over the course of the next few weeks, Eleanor barely even laid eyes on Sirius. She didn't care if he was her boyfriend or not. Deep down she still loved him, but he broke her trust, and trust can't be mended easily.

So, Eleanor decided that - after a week of not saying a word to each other - they were on a break.

She took this time to bond again with her brother, something she hadn't been doing a lot since her relationship with Sirius.

Remus spent more time with the other girls than he usually did after he got better again, studying with them in the Library or outside, or just hanging out with them.

He did things with his sister and her friends which he normally would have never done, like painting his nails in bright colors, or trying on eyeliner.

Especially Mary seemed to enjoy it a lot, putting in her best efforts to draw little peace symbols on his blue fingernails with white nail polish.

Although the girls also noticed the distance between the Marauders. Whenever they asked something about it, Remus just said it was the exam stress, that they could concentrate better when they were alone.

Two weeks in after Doomsday, as Eleanor had now decided to call it between her and the Marauders, it was safe to say Remus had hit his peak of puberty. He decided he wanted to look different - really different.

He wanted to impress Andrew, from whom he'd been getting proper love letters at this point.  

"Sit still Remus!" Mary demanded as she tried to magically trim his hair.

"Alright alright, sorry, just don't cut my ear off will ya?" he said, looking a bit unsure as he stared back at himself in the mirror.

Eleanor had just grinned the whole way through, meanwhile changing the colors of some of his more dull-looking clothes.

Not an hour later, Remus Lupin was rocking a new haircut, with the sides of his head trimmed really short and his blonde curls standing out on top of his head. He wore a purple - previously beige - t-shirt and straight legged jeans with a pair of old Converse on his feet.

Lily had painted his nails pink, and Marlene had added (without Lily's approval) white letters on them that spelled out fuck you, which Eleanor thought was hilarious.

"Bloody hell Moony!" was James' response when he showed off his new look in the infirmary. "Just a piercing and that Andrew lad will probably snog your face off."

So that's what he did that very night, and the next day Remus was flaunting a silver earring in his slightly-swollen right ear.

Of course he wrote all about to it to Andrew.

Peter seemed torn after Doomsday. He could be found in the Hospital Wing most of the time, keeping James company until he was ready to attend classes again. He even did some of his homework for him, and made sure he knew everything he needed to for their OWLs.

But then he also wanted to be there for Sirius. Peter always hated arguments, especially when they went on for so long. He just wanted to be everyone's friend.

At one point, Eleanor vompletely lost sight of Sirius. He'd stopped trying to apologize daily to Remus, knowing there was no point in doing so. He skipped a lot of classes. Sometimes even days. Nobody knew exactly what Sirius Black was up to.

What hurt her most, was that he'd never taken the opportunity to properly apologize to her yet. It seemed as though he didn't think she was important in all this chaos.

"I just don't know what to do at this point," she confided into Lily the night before the last Quidditch match.

The two girls were sitting on Lily's bed, several heavy books spread out in front of them. Eleanor wanted a bit more help with Arithmancy; Lily's best subject.

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