Chapter 56

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It was Saturday evening, and Eleanor's heart was pounding in her chest as she waited in the common room. She tried to study for Monday's exam, which would be Charms, but the words just danced in front of her eyes.

Sirius had gotten himself in detention again with professor Pitt. Although he usually behaved very well in Astronomy class, James told her, he had been acting like an utter know-it-all. Eventually, Pitt had enough and sent him to McGonagall's office. He had to scrub the Owlery on Saturday after dinner.

"But that's perfect!" James had said, "You can wait for him until he gets back and then you two can just, you know, snog or whatever to make it up again!"

Eleanor groaned. "Why do boys think the only thing we do is snog?"

"Because that's practically everything you did," Amelia huffed. Peter nodded in agreement.

"Nah, that's just what you wanted to see," Eleanor retorted with a grin.

The five of them had secretly been plotting a scheme to get Eleanor and Sirius to talk to each other in private, which was a challenge because Sirius was always with someone.

"We'll just have an early night in," Remus reassured her.

Eleanor had agreed a bit reluctantly. But after doing some thinking, she reckoned it probably would be best. She didn't want either of them to take that stress with them into their exam week. Especially not Sirius, who had his important OWLs coming up.

Her head snapped up when the clock struck ten. He could walk in any minite now - detentions usually only lasted until nine-thirty, but he had to walk all the way back so it took a little longer.

She closed her books and collected all of her stuff. Then she just sat and waited a little longer, staring into the fire.

Her thoughts wandered off to the last full moon, when Sirius hadn't been there. The boys weren't talking back then.

Her lips curled up into a grin as she got an idea. Eleanor closed her eyes and concentrated as much as she could. Eventually she felt her bones shift as she turned into the majestic white wolf she could be.

Her white ears twitched when the door opened. Instinctively, Eleanor leaped of the couch and hid in a corner behind a table.

"Prongs?" Sirius' voice came from the portrait hole.

Her heart beat faster when he came into sight. He looked really tired, and Eleanor could clearly smell the owl droppings on his hands, making her sick.

"What a mate," he sighed and then plopped onto the sofa.

Eleanor watched him as he kicked off his shoes and put his feet up on the table. He lay his head back and closed his eyes.

Very quietly, Eleanor slipped out of her hiding spot and slowly made her way over to him. But as she reached the sofa, she took a moment to take in the sight.

Sirius looked so beautifully peaceful when he had his eyes closed. His chest rose and fell slowly, and she could hear him breathe out through his nose. He had cut his hair again. James told her he had been complaining about it because of the heat. But he still looked great, whichever way his hair was.

His brow turned into a frown and he opened his eyes. Eleanor tilted her head a little. Sirius gave her the biggest smile she'd ever seen.

"Hey beautiful," he said softly, sitting up straight.

Eleanor jumped up next to him on the sofa and rested her head in his lap. Sitius chuckled and stroked her back.

Then his face turned a bit nore serious. "M'sorry Ella, for everything. I've been a real prat I know, I'm really sorry," he said, looking down at her.

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