Chapter 54

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It was Sirius

That was the only thing going through her head as she continued to look at Peter in disbelief.

She slowly started to shake her head. "No," she breathed. But Peter nodded in sync with her, although he clearly didn't want to. "No, no, no," she continued.

"He did, Ella," he said solemnly.

"I don't understand. Why- Why would he ever do that?!" she said, getting up on her feet.

The feeling of confusion was slowly but surely making room for anger and disappointment. Frustrated, she ran a hand through her hair.

"Ella please don't be mad," Peter said softly, fumbling with his hands.

She stopped to look at him. "Don't be mad?!" she yelled. Peter looked up at her, he suddenly seemed a lot smaller.

"Pete, he could've killed him! Sirius could've made him a murderer!" she screamed, rage running through her veins now.

He winced at the word murderer, but Eleanor didn't care if he found it harsh. It was the truth.

She couldn't believe Sirius would actually do something like that. Sure, he could be reckless. But this?

"W-Well what are you gonna do?" Peter asked in a small voice.

Eleanor paced around the room, chewing on her lip. "I don't know if I'm being honest with you. I'm just so mad right now. I don't know what I'll do when I see him," she admitted.

Peter nodded. "Yeah, I understand. I was pretty pissed when I found out, but he ordered me not to tell yous right? Well how could I not. He betrayed him he did," Peter rattled. He too was getting angrier.

"And James, he sacrificed himself just because Pads had to act like a bloody moron again! Oh I know he feels guilty, as he should, fucking-"

"I know Pete, I know," she reassured him. Eleanor waas looking straight at him now. It wasn't like Peter to cuss; it unnerved her a little.

He nodded yet again and lowered his head. Eleanor sat down on Remus' bed, the fatigue immediately coming back to her. She had no idea how she was going to pay attention in classes all day.

"I'm hungry," Peter mumbled.

Eleanor noticed the empty feeling in her stomach as well. "Let's go have some breakfast then eh?" she said with a weak smile.

Together they walked down the many flights of stairs and corridors, not saying a word.

It was still really early, so the Great Hall was mostly deserted when her and Peter sat down opposite each other at the Gryffindor table.

They filled their plates in silence. Eleanor only took two fried eggs and a piece of toast with jam. Peter piled his plate with whatever it could fit. He seemed to have finally reached his growth spurt and ate more with each day.

When it was about seven o'clock - usually the time when students slowly started to fill up the Hall - Eleanor glanced over her shoulder every once in a while to see if Sirius was coming in.

It was getting crowded and Eleanor was getting a bit anxious as to what she was going to tell their friends about what happened to James and Remus.

"Just say they're both ill, like they've infected each other," Peter said with his mouth full when she brought up the matter. Eleanor agreed for lack of a better idea.

She had long finished her food when Lily, Mary, Marlene and Alice joined them at the table.

"Good morning!" Lily said brightly.

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