Chapter 58

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"Sirius ring yeh up yet?" Andrew asked as he turned over on his stomach.

The four of them had been sunbathing almost all afternoon in the Hales' yard, listening to the radio that stood by the open window.

They also had a pool - an inflatable one, but a pool nonetheless. So they of course took advantage of that as well.

Eleanor smiled and sat up, leaning on her elbows. "He did. First thing this morning actually," she said.

That was a lie. He hadn't called her but written to her of course.

Andrew grinned and took off his signature red sunglasses. "Great! So when're they comin' over?"

Her smile grew even wider. "Tomorrow, and they're staying over as well for the night," she blushed a little.

"What?!" Remus suddenly said.

He was sitting behind them in a chair in the cool shade. Remus barely ever went shirtless or wore shorts. He thought it showed too many of his scars and it might scare people.

She rolled her eyes at his shocked expression. "He's staying with you of course, together with James. Dad would murder me," she said.

"Not just dad," Remus huffed.

"Calm yer tits Lupin," Ian chuckled.

"Well, she's only fourteen, just a little surprised," he explained.

Andrew frowned and lowered his glasses again.

"Yer fourteen?"

Eleanor nodded.

"Fifteen on August third," she said proudly.

"Oooh that sounds like a party to me!" Andrew sat up, doing a little dance.

They all laughed and watched him as he got up and twirled around. He danced to Fernando which was playing on the radio and soon grabbed Eleanor by the hands to join him.


Andrew looked up to see his father standing in the doorway, waving a small box in the air. He threw it at him and he quickly caught it one handed.

"Yeh got a light?"

Mr. Hale nodded and checked his pockets. He retrieved a small lighter from it and in turn threw that over as well.

"Cheers dad!" Andrew grinned.

When he turned around he was met with two strange looks coming from Eleanor and Remus.

Andrew took out a cigarette and put it to his mouth. "What? Can't a fag smoke a fag?"

Remus choked out a laugh and shook his head as Andrew grinned at him, cigarette hanging loosely between his teeth.

Eleanor watched in awe as he lit it with his dad's lighter. Not because she thought it was weird, but because she thought it looked rather attractive.

Andrew closed his eyes and took a long drag as he sat down on the ground in between Remus' legs. He puffed out the smoke and looked up at Eleanor.

"What is it luv?" he grinned. "Wanna try?"

Eleanor shot a look at her brother, but Remus just shrugged. Their parents used to smoke, their dad still did sometimes, but there had never been any kind of conversation about the kids smoking as well.

She shook her head and sat down next to him. "No thanks," she smiled politely.

"S'fine, don't wanna ruin those pretty teeth of yours anyways," Andrew said with a wink.

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