Chapter 43

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A couple of weeks later, Amelia and Eleanor woke up rather early, even though it was a Sunday. They had something planned.

Eleanor got the two striped Gryffindor Quidditch sweaters she nicked from James and Sirius out of her trunk and gave one to Amelia. They put them on and then disappeared into the bathroom to complete their look with red and gold facepaint.

"Looks good right?" Amelia whispered, looking at herseld in the mirror.

"Brilliant," Eleanor grinned. "Let's go." She patted Amelia on the back.

They tiptoed out of their dormitory and went downstairs into the common room. The boys weren't there, so that was good news.

But Marlene was there with her friends. She was already dressed in her Quidditch gear.

"Looking good guys!" she grinned at the two younger girls, giving them a thumbs up.

Eleanor and Amelia laughed before going up the stairs to the boys' dormitories. When they reached the door with a '5' on it, they stopped.

Eleanor very carefully turned the knob and then opened the door. She looked inside; it was dark, which meant they were still asleep. Eleanor looked over her shoulder and gave a confirming nod.

She slowly went inside and Amelia followed her, closing the door behind her quietly. They stood in the middle of the room. All four boys had their curtains drawn around their beds.

The girls looked at each other. Eleanor held up her hand and counted down from three with her fingers, mouthing the numbers to Amelia as well.





Eleanor heard some stirring coming from the boys, but that wasn't enough for her. She stepped over to James' bed.

"Rise and shine! That Snitch won't just fly into your hands!" she yelled as she pulled his curtains open.

Meanwhile Amelia opened the heavy curtains in front of the windows to wake them up properly. "Look at that sunshine! Lovely day for a Quidditch match I'd say!"

Eleanor continued to open the curtaind around Peter's and Remus' beds as well. "Sure is Lia! But if these boys don't get off their lazy arses there won't be a win today!" she said, ruffling up Remus' hair.

"Oi gerroff!" he groaned, swatting away her hand.

Eleanor just smirked and made her way over to Sirius' bed. She pulled the curtains open and looked down at a just-waking-up Sirius.

"Morning handsome," she grinned down at him.

Sirius gasped and pulled uo the civers over his bare chest. "Excuse you! I'm naked!" he shrieked.

Amelia rolled her eyes and walked over to his bed as well. With one big tug she pulled his covers from his bed.

Even though she knew he wouldn't be naked, Eleanor was still a bit anxious to see what he was wearing. But she was relieved. Pajama bottoms, that's what he was wearing. Grey ones to be exact.

"Liar," Amelia said flatly before turning away from him.

Sirius sighed and looked up at Eleanor, who couldn't help but stare down at him. "Like what you see?" he said with a smirk.

Eleanor's cheeks flushed. "Oh shut up you," she chuckled and threw his blankets back on top of him. Sirius laughed and sat up straight.

James was sitting on the edge of his bed, running the sleep out of his eyes. His black hair was poking out on all sides.

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