Chapter 53

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"She said she'd come as soon as the sun rises."


"I had to explain everything to her."

"Of course."

"Is James okay?"

"I think so."

Eleanor had been alone with the three boys for at least an hour. Remus was still whinging in the corne, scarcing or biting himself every omce in a while. It didn't bother her as much anymore.

Sirius was still unconscious. She reckoned he'd wake up any moment now; the Stunning Spell only lasts about one to two hours.

She'd been watching James closely as soon as he woke up again. He had been panting all the time, desperately trying to find a position in which he could breathe painlessly.

All this time, even with her animal mind, Eleanor had been wondering how this happened. How they had ended up like this.

As far as she knew, Snape had no idea about their Animagus forms. The only explanation she could come up with, was that Snape saw Remus and Pomfrey going into the passageway under the Whomping Willow together.

Even that was near impossible, because there was no way he could've seen them from the Slytberin common room since it was under water, and Remus always went to the Shrieking Shack after hours.

Then again, Snape was a Prefect, and he had to patrol the castle after hours regularly. But it had to be a major coincidence if he did actually see them.

Peter tugged at her tail again.

"You should wake up Padfoot."

"I'll try."

Eleanor got up and walked over to where Sirius was laying motionless on the floor. She'd been hearing his heartbeat all the time, so she didn't feel the need to stay with him. James was the number one priority at the moment.

She leaned forward and gently nudged his hed with her nose. He reacted with soft grunts.



"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. My head only hurts."

"Okay. James is hurt."

His ears perked up, then he lifted his head a bit.

"What happened?"

"Remus attacked him. He's stopped losing blood but his leg is broken and he has a few very deep cuts."

Eleanor tilted her head when she didn't get a response. Sirius sat up and looked at James.

"Why do you feel guilty?"

His ears lay flat on his head.

"I don't."

"You do. I can smell it."

When he didn't say anything yet again, Eleanor just turned away and went back over to James. Peter was sitting in front of him, doing little tricks to try and cheer him up. But it didn't help. James grimaced in pain with every move of his muscles.

"You're making a fool of yourself Wormy," he managed to bring out.

Not long after, Remus started to cry and grunt as he slowly changed back into his normal self. The sounds were awful, and Eleanor wished she could just be deaf until it was done.

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