Chapter 44

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The next Wednesday was Remus' sixteenth birthday. But to everyone's dismay, he didn't want to throw a party again because 'he'd had enough of Sirius' stupid head for the next month'.

Instead, he just wanted to study, something Eleanor found the boys doing a lot more lately. The fact that they were getting even more homework as usual didn't help either, and Eleanor found herself sitting with them for moral support deep into the night.

The Marauders, Marlene, Amelia and Eleanor were sitting on their usual spot in the common room one night. Remus sat on the floor as he worked on his Transfiguration homework. Eleanor was there so Sirius could help her with her Astronomy charts as he had suggested during their Valentine's date.

Remus was so caught up in his work, he didn't even notice the other boys making a bet.

"Hey Moony," Sirius began, leaning his head in his hand because he was tired.

"Mm?" was all that came from him.

"Antidisestablishmentarianism," said Sirius. Remus looked up from his parchment.

He frowned. "Come again?"

"No say it backwards," Sirius said, looking serious.


"Just do it," he said impatiently.

Remus furrowed his eyebrows and started to mouth something that sounded like gibberish. "msinaira- tnemhsi- lbatsesidit- na?" he said, not looking to sure of himself.

Sirius smiled and nodded, then looked back down at Eleanor's charts.

"Oi," he nudged Siruis in his arm. "What does that even mean?"

"Oh nothing," Sirius said plainly. "But I just bought Prongs enough time to steal your Herbology essay."

Remus stared at him blankly, but Sirius just wore a very content smile as he continued to examine the charts.

She chuckled as Peter handed James two sickles. "I can't believe he fell for that," Peter mumbled.

James shrugged. "Told you so."

Eleanor looked over Sirius' shoulder to see what he was crossing out. She frowned when she noticed something. "Hang on," she pointed at a dot. "That's your name! Sirius!"

Sirius turned his head. "Yeah, I know," he said, sounding amused. "A lot of Blacks have a name referring to stars or constellations."

"That's so cool," she said in complete awe.

"Aaalright, I'm done," James said as he finished his last sentence. "I'm off, thanks Moony." He patted Remus on his shoulder and went upstairs.

Remus gave him a fake smile and raised his middle finger at James when he turned his back on him.

Sirius rolled up the large piece of parchment and handed it to Eleanor. "Just some small errors, but other than that you're good to go," he said with a smile.

"Thank you," she said and ruffled up his hair. "I owe you."

She put the parchment in her bag and hung it around her shoulder.

"Where you going?" Sirius asked, grabbing her hand.

His grey eyes looked up at her and she couldn't help but smile. She loved his eyes, they always had a sort of hopefulness in them.

"I'm going to bed, it's late. You should do the same," she said pointing at the others.

Sirius pouted. "M'okay," he said and pulled her forward for a kiss.

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