Chapter 38

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"Peter you're back!" Eleanor exclaimed, looking very surprised.

The boy laughed as they then all came hollering towards him to bring him into a giant group hug. Although Remus and Sirius remained on their beds; Remus was still feeling ill and Sirius didn't want to hurt his arm anymore.

"Oh my goodness you need to tell us everything!" Lily said enthusiastically as they broke apart again.

Eleanor couldn't be happier. He had made it back. She sat back down next to Sirius, who was still looking very surprised. The others sat back down somewhere in the room as well.

Peter sat down on his own bed. "Alright of course I'll tell you everything, but why is everyone here?" he asked with a laugh.

"Well obviously want to hear the thrilling story!" Mary said, leaning forward a bit

He eyed James quickly, who then shook his head almost unnoticeable. They didn't know anything, so he had to tell them his lies.

"Right, right," Peter began. "So Saturday night, the four of us sneaked out to go to Hogsmeade, get a drink you know."

Sirius and James shared a look. Remus had fallen asleep in the meantime; he wasn't feeling well at all. Eleanor held her breath as she watched his story unfold.

"But when we were almost there, there were these three men coming our way. They were drunk like pissed you know," he said, getting caught up in his own made-up story. "And they starting attacking us."

Lily clapped a hand to her mouth and Amelia gasped.

"That's how you broke your arm!" Marlene said to Sirius, who then nodded immediately, even though he had no clue what the boy was talking about. Eleanor had to fight the urge to laugh.

"Yeah, one guy threw him to the ground and he broke it. But you see I was like, how on earth are we going to get away? And the only thing that came to mind was to use my wand," Peter said as he shrugged.

"You did the right thing Pete, fuck them," Mary said, patting him on the shoulder.

The others nodded in agreement. "I can't believe they expelled you for that," Lily said, shaking her head.

Peter shrugged again. "Dumbledore was there as well, he saw most of it happen, that's why he defended me," he added.

"Well you know, you're here again and that's all that matters," Eleanor said, leaning against the headboard next to Sirius.

The small boy smiled. Eleanor was proud of the way he had handled things, but she still had so many questions. Questions she couldn't ask with the others here.

Remus groaned in his sleep and started to sweat heavily. Eleanor got up and sat by his bed.

She gently took his hand. "Remy?" she whispered, looking a bit concerned.

His eyes shot open and tears started to roll down his cheeks. He squeezed her hand tightly.

"I er think you guys should leave," James mumbled.

The others understood immediately and said their goodbyes, telling them they would see them again at dinner. When Alice closed the door behind her, James immediately locked it.

"Shh Remus it's me, you're fine," Eleanor whispered to her brother, stroking his wet hair.

Remus' breathing was a bit shaky. "Yeah, yeah thanks," he breathed. He wiped the sweat off his forward and sat up a bit.

Sirius had told her Remus had been having nightmares since the last full moon. Eleanor figured it was probably the feeling of guilt still lurking over him. A feeling, she had tried to explain to him, he shouldn't be having. Because it was not his fault. But Remus of course had a hard time buying that.

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