Chapter 35

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"Stop looking at my sister like that!" Remus yelled as he sat up straight in his bed.

"Mister Lupin will you just keep it down! I'm really on the verge of sending you lot away!" Madam Pomfrey screeched.

Sirius just smirked and leaned back in his pillows. Eleanor shook her head and put his hand in hers. She was sitting next to Sirius' bed, but not in between the two boys because she thought that would be weird.

When Sirius and she had gone back to the others, James had given her a look which only made her blush more. She knew James had known all along she had a thing for Sirius, he was the first one to ever tell her to just tell Sirius what she felt for him. But Eleanor never did because she was scared he wouldn't feel the same way. Turns out her fears were for nothing.

"So Pads," James began with a grin. "What made you see the light?"

Sirius laughed, which he immediately regretted as a shot of pain went to his shoulder. 

"Karma," Remus mumbled, eating some of his chocolate.

Eleanor gave him a look. She should've known Remus would be like this. He'd always been like this, even with Charlie, who had never really even been her boyfriend.

"Well, just before Moony here took the liberty of throwing me against a wall as if I were some rotten tomato," Remus rolled his eyes at this. "My life literally flashed before my eyes."

They were all quiet there for a moment. It was true, he could have died. Remus had enough power to rip a man in half. Eleanor looked up at him and gently squeezed his hand.

"And I felt so stupid because if those were my last moments, I would've left this earth with so many regrets," he said, shaking his head.

Eleanor's heart sank at those words. If he would have died, the last thing he would have done was argue with his best friend. Argue about her.

Sirius sighed deeply. "So, when Prongs took me here, I made a promise to myself was to tell Ella how I truly felt about her," he said softly, his eyes meeting hers again. "Because life's too short not to live it to its fullest."

She smiled up at him, tears were welling up in her eyes. Sirius smiled as well and winked.

"Tell her? I didn't know you could tell people things by sticking your tongue in their mouth, I should try that with Lily-"

"NO STOP I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT PRONGS," Remus interrupted him, his ears turning pink.

They all laughed and Eleanor felt a blush creep onto her face. Madam Pomfrey came to treat Remus' scratches so they dropped the subject. Sirius rubbed his thumb over the back of Eleanor's hand.

Eleanor smiled up at him. "How's your arm by the way?" she asked.

"It's okay, I can leave tonight if I want to," he said casually. "Luckily it isn't my good arm."

She frowned. "Wait, you're a lefty?"

Sirius chuckled and nodded.

"Oh, I didn't know that," she said with a laugh.

He shrugged. "There are lots of things you don't know yet," he said with a mischievous grin.

Eleanor's eyes widened and her face turned red again. "Sirius what the hell," she laughed.

"Okay you two lovebirds, Madam Pomfrey wants us out," James announced.

Eleanor rolled her eyes and got up from her seat, letting go of Sirius' hand.

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