Chapter 16

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Saturday came quicker than expected. But with the amount of schoolwork the fourth-years got, they didn't have much time to spend for themselves. Eleanor, Amelia, Doris, and Kathy did most of the work together, and were sometimes even helped by Lily and Mary, who obviously knew a lot more than the younger girls.

That afternoon, Amelia had agreed to meet up with Ryan at noon for lunch at the Three Broomsticks.

"Oooh, I don't know what to wear!" Amelia groaned, smashing the door of her wardrobe closed. She had about fifteen minutes before she had to be in the Entrance Hall, where Ryan would be waiting for her.

Doris and Eleanor looked at each other and Doris rolled her eyes. Amelia sank down on her bed. She was now wearing a pair of blue jeans with a pastel yellow top, which suited her perfectly. Eleanor sat down next to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Lia, you look great. Ryan should be lucky enough to have you as his date today," she reassured her.

Amelia looked sideways. "Do you really think so?" she asked, not sounding too confident herself.

Eleanor nodded. "I do. But I also think that if you don't hurry up now he'll think you stood him up," she explained. "So get up and get your fabulous arse down there King!" she grinned.

Doris and Amelia laughed. Amelia stood up and headed for the door. She gave the other girls one more glance. "Thank you guys," she smiled and then left the dorm.

Eleanor and Doris high-fived each other.

"We're amazing," Eleanor said.

Doris nodded, "Hell yeah we are."

After they had grabbed lunch together, Doris and Amelia decided that spending the rest of their afternoon in the Library wouldn't be a bad idea. They had Arithmancy together and had a rather difficult essay to write that would be due on Monday.

The two sat down next to each other at the row of tables in the main aisle and took out their books. Doris carefully went over the assignment, explaining it to both herself and Eleanor.

Eleanor nodded as she scanned the numerical charts. "All right," she said, "Let's get to it." Doris smiled at her and grabbed her quill, ink, and parchment.

After about an hour of work, Eleanor was losing her focus and looked up every time the door to the Library opened. And this time, James Potter stepped in. On his own. When he passed their table to find a seat of his own, he winked at her. Eleanor smiled and her eyes followed him.

James sat down at a table between a row of bookshelves. She could just see him grab a book from a shelf right above him.

He knows what he's doing.

He then took out a pebble from his robe pocket and placed it on the table. Eleanor grinned to herself and quickly went back to her work before getting too excited.

"I- I think I got it," Doris whispered enthusiastically. Eleanor looked over at her work and then compared it to her own. Then she groaned.

"Oh Merlin's balls," she said through gritted teeth. Doris raised an eyebrow at her.

"I thought you said five at the start, but it's nine. Now I have to start all over again." She sighed and leaned her head in her hand. Doris gave her a sympathetic look.

"Okay you know what," Doris started, "Just copy mine. You were really close you shouldn't have to do all of it again." She slid the paper over to Eleanor.

Eleanor smiled broadly. "You're the best, thank you, Dory," she whispered and brought her into a hug.

"I know," Doris said casually and then grinned at Eleanor when they let go. Eleanor chuckled.

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