Chapter 51

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Remus decided to write to Andrew immediately the first thing next morning. Or well, they all wrote a letter together that night, but Remus took it to the Owlery the next day.

Dear Andy,

I hope you let the owl in and you didn't let it starve outside your window. He doesn't bite, by the way.
We got the train on time luckily, and we're back with everyone else at school. I've got exams in about two months so this is a really important time.
Thank you so much for lending me your guitar, I'll surely be playing it almost every day. The book is also really helpful.
I miss you. Say hi to Ian and your parents for me.

Pretty boy

He never thought he'd have the balls to send something like that. But he did. And there was no going back now.

As soon as their classes began again the next day, the fifth and especially seventh year's could be found in the Library almost all the time after lessons.

The Marauders had their own way of studying though, taking piles of books with them every time they went to study outside on the grounds.

James was having a busy time though, with their last Quidditch match coming up as well. His days were divided into being in class and being outside, either studying or training.

While Peter was struggling a bit with the amount of work they had to do, Remus and Sirius didn't seem to mind as much. Sirius had been top of the year in most of their subjects anyway, along with James of course.

Remus just tried to do put in minimum effort but still managed to get marks that were above average. She had to admit she was pretty jealous at times.

They were sitting at lunch together one afternoon when the delightful topic of Snivellus Snape was brought up.

"The slimy git's been tailing us all bloody morning," Sirius snarled, eyeing the boy dangerously across the hall.

Peter nodded. "Maybe we should do something about it, feel like the Marauders have been on a bit of bsck burner lately anyway eh?" he said with a slight grin.

Oh god, she thought to herself as James' face lit up.

"I like the way you think Wormtail," he said, patting him on the shoulder. Peter looked very pleased with himself.

"It needs to be big though," James muttered, leaning his head in his hand.

"What's big?" Lily Evans asked as she sat down next to Remus.

She noticed Sirius trying very hard to not make a remark on that comment as James glared at him, shaking his head. Elwanor chuckled and smacked him on his arm.

James smiled sweetly at Lily. Maybe a little too sweet.

"I don't like that look," she said, already regretting that she sat down with them.

His smile turned into a little smirk. "What needs to be big is obviously today's invitation to go out with me, so-"

"No, James, stop," Lily started.

But he had already stood up on the bench. Even Sirius' eyes grew big in horror as he stared up at his best mate.

"Lily Evans!" he said loudly. Everyone in the Great Hall fell silent immediately, all heads turned to see what was going on.

Lily's face had turned red. "Get down Potter," she said under her breath, looking up at him.

He spread his arms. "I ask you today, in front of the entire school, if you would please go out with me," James said, grinning down at the red-haired girl.

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