Chapter 11

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The start of their year went smoothly. Along with their standard subjects which consisted of History of Magic, Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, DADA, Herbology, and Astronomy, Eleanor had chosen to follow Arithmancy and Care of Magical Creatures.

She had been very happy with her choice, because she had always loved magical beasts, and the only class she actually dreaded was Astronomy. But luckily, Sirius was always there to help her since he had a sort of knack for the subject.

That Friday Eleanor had her second Potions class of that week, and as usual, she was rather enjoying it. They were learning about poison antidotes, and she found it fascinating.

Professor Slughorn grabbed a tiny stone-like thing from his desk and showed it to his students.

"Now, who can tell me what this peculiar little thing is?" he asked, looking around the classroom.

Eleanor's hand shot up in the air immediately. But somebody else got the turn.

Slughorn pointed at the back of the classroom, "Yes, mister Black?"

She turned around to look at him.

"It's a bezoar, sir. You can find it in a goat's stomach and it will save you from most poisons," he said.

Regulus had grown up a lot. He had cut his hair short like most boys and it seemed like he did little to it in the mornings. He looked even more like Sirius now. Except for his eyes, they were... Different.

Eyes. He was looking back at her. The corner of his mouth was turned up into a smile.

"Miss Lupin!" Slughorn tapped on her desk with the bezoar.

She quickly turned around in her seat and looked up at him, feeling her cheeks burn. Some students in the back were giggling, probably making fun of her.

"I-I'm sorry sir, I wanted to say the same thing," she mumbled.

Slughorn nodded and turned his back on her, going on to explain more about bezoars. Eleanor buried her face in her hands.

Kathy softly nudged her in her arm, making her look up, "Regulus huh?" she grinned.

Eleanor rolled her eyes, "Oh shut up," she whispered.

When their class ended, Eleanor was the last one to pack up her stuff. Everyone else had already left the dungeons, even the girls from her dorm.

Well, so much for caring about your best friend, she thought to herself.

"Pardon me for asking miss Lupin, but you seem a bit- preoccupied," Professor Slughorn said, "Is everything alright?"

She stood up and hung her bag over her shoulder, "Yes professor," she smiled, "I'm fine, thank you, just had a bad night."

Slughorn nodded, "Very well, off you go then," he smiled at her.

"Thank you, sir," she said, leaving the room.

When she stepped out into the corridor she closed the door behind her. Then she noticed someone leaning against the wall next to her.

Regulus smiled at her, "Eleanor, is it?" he held out his hand for her to shake.

Eleanor smiled and nodded, "Yes, that's me," she said, shaking his hand, "And you're Regulus, Sirius' younger brother."

Regulus' grip tightened a bit before he let go. He cleared his throat, "Yup, that's me."

She pursed her lips. "So er, can I help you with something?" she asked, not really sure what he wanted.

"Actually, I was going to ask if you wanted to go over the homework assignment together," he said, rubbing his upper arm, "You know because we both seem to be on the same page with Potions."

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