Chapter 13

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The next morning Eleanor didn't feel like doing anything. She wasn't in a good mood, even though Remus had apologized that morning to her already for their little incident. But it didn't matter to her, because the person who had really hurt her feelings had not. 

When Charlie had asked her to write every week she had eagerly said yes. Of course she wanted to, he was an amazing guy. Charlie Dupont had bright blue eyes and blonde wavy hair. All in all, he was brilliantly handsome. But that wasn't just it, he was a wonderful guy as well. He had shown Eleanor around the town on their second day there, grabbing some delicious ice cream on the way. Something about him was just beautifully simple, something she couldn't quite put her finger on. 

But now, even though it had hurt her the previous night, she had to admit to herself that he hadn't been on her mind at all the past couple of days. School was a lot already. And it wasn't just that, because she now had a new friend in her life. Regulus Black. A very handsome friend, much to her brother's dismay.

Remus had always been very protective over his little sister, especially when it came to boyfriend types of things. He hated to see other boys looking at Eleanor like she was some kind of thing they could possess, but of course, Eleanor didn't notice that. She was still too naive to really know what went around in a fifteen-year-old boy's head.

Eleanor was sitting in the Great Hall, eating some fruit for breakfast. She was debating with Kathy, Doris, and Amelia about their plans for the day.

"Well, we can't go outside because of the rain," Eleanor sighed, taking a bite of her apple. Kathy mumbled a 'yup'.

She let her eyes roam the room until her gaze landed on three Slytherin boys entering the Great Hall. The one at the front, Snape, now had a new addition to his already ugly face: a big bruise on his cheek. Eleanor grinned to herself, knowing very well who was responsible for that.

"What are you grinning at?" Doris asked and looked behind her to see what was so interesting. Kathy and Amelia did the same. 

"Looks like somebody beat up Snape," Amelia chuckled, turning back to Eleanor. She was still grinning to herself. 

Kathy raised an eyebrow at her, "Ella, what did you do?

"I didn't do anything, he jinxed me when I wasn't looking!" she said, making sure the Slytherins couldn't hear her.

Kathy's mouth hung open, "What an imbecile!" she whisper-shouted, "So that's why you were so late last night." Eleanor nodded.

"Luckily Regulus was there to help, or I would've had more than just some light bruises," she muttered, looking at her hands. When she didn't get a response from her friends, she looked up to see them trying to hold back their grins.

Eleanor rolled her eyes, "Oh knock it off guys," she chuckled, "It's nothing."

"We didn't even say anything!" Amelia grinned. Eleanor laughed and threw a grape at her. "Hey hey! Don't waste good food," Amelia said, putting the grape in her mouth.

Doris snorted, "Merlin, it's like you never get anything to eat." They all laughed.

"Okay, but really, what were you and Regulus doing together past curfew," Amelia raised an eyebrow at her. Eleanor smiled and sighed.

"We weren't together, I was on my own," she explained, "He just happened to be there when Snape jinxed me." She took another bite of her apple. "Then he walked me back like a true gentleman, but Remus of course didn't like that," she rolled her eyes.

Doris fidgeted with the hem of her robes, "Well, he is a Slytherin," she said carefully.

Eleanor frowned. "Honestly, I've let go of that stereotype, because so far Regulus has been more of an decent man to me than Sirius has in the past three years," she told her.

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