Chapter 15

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About two weeks had passed when on a Wednesday evening Remus, Peter, and Eleanor were playing a game of exploding snaps in the boys' dorm.

After her little talk with Sirius, Eleanor had become a lot closer to the boys, and she hung out more with them too. They were still waiting for the next storm to come so they could finally conclude their project and start their real adventure as Animagi.

The three of them looked up as the door opened. James and Sirius walked in, they had just finished their Quidditch practice. Harper had found it very easy to decide who was to become part of their team; Sirius was by far the best out of all of them and Marlene McKinnon was another good addition to their team.

"How was practice?" Eleanor asked as the two boys put away their stuff and sat down on their beds.

Sirius grinned, "Bloody brilliant."

"Good, good," James said, taking off his shoes. "Listen, Sirius and I were just talking about a system we can use to contact each other, and I think we came up with a pretty good idea," he said enthusiastically.

The others put down their playing cards to pay attention to what James had to say.

"So what if we all had an item, right, just something random like a-a pebble or something," Remus and Eleanor shared a confused look. "We can somehow probably put spells on it that when one of us like 'alarms' it, it can heat up. And so when it heats up, we'll know that we have to get together," he explained proudly.

Remus raised his eyebrows. "You came up with this?" he asked James. He shook his head and pointed at Sirius, who was leaning against his headboard with a big grin on his face.

"It's brilliant!" Peter said, obviously very excited about the idea.

"Yeah Sirius," Eleanor mused, "Quite impressive."

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Always the tone of surprise," he sighed before laughing. Eleanor laughed as well.

"Anyways," James continued, "I think we should start on it as soon as possible because we don't know when the next storm will be, and of course we want to keep the number of full moons Remus has to spend on his own to a minimum now." They all nodded.

Eleanor bit the inside of her cheek. "Speaking of full moons," she looked sideways to where her brother was sitting on his four-poster.

"Yeah, Saturday," he said, staring out ahead of him.

Peter chuckled. "I had literally almost forgotten you're a werewolf," he said. Remus laughed, but that laugh turned into a scowl when he saw James and Sirius grinning at each other.

"Werewolf?" said Sirius, frowning.

James pointed at Remus, "There-wolf!"

"Oh fuck off," Remus groaned.

Eleanor clapped her hands to her mouth. "Swearwolf!" she gasped.

They all broke into laughter. Even Remus, who usually hated it when this standard joke of theirs came along. The five of them looked up as they heard a knock on the door.

"It's open," James said loudly. The door opened and a pair of bright blue eyes peeked through.

"Oh good, I thought you'd be here," Amelia said, walking in and closing the door behind her. She sat down on the floor next to Eleanor. "I need to tell you something," she said, her cheeks started to go red.

Sirius lay down on his stomach on the edge of the bed so his head poked out in between Amelia and Eleanor's, who were sitting against his bed. "Oooh, girlie talk, spill it, Lia," he grinned, wiggling his legs.

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