Chapter 47

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Remus woke up rather early the next day, probably because he went to bed at nine the previous night. He felt light as a feather when he stood up and opened his wardrobe to find some nice clothes to wear.

He stared back at his reflection in the mirror that was glued to the inside of the door with a Permanent Sticking Charm. Remus had never really liked the way he looked. Way too tall, way too skinny, way too everything he didn't like.

He decided to put on a khaki-colored jumper and baggy black jeans. Then, when he looked in the mirror again, Remus was quite satisfied with the way he looked. He thought his nails looked nice with his outfit. What would Andrew think?

Trying to shake off the thought of Andrew actually thinking about him that way, Remus washed his face in the bathroom and then went downstairs.

"Morning dear," his mother greeted him. She was sitting at the dining table reading the paper.

Remus kissed his mother on her cheek. "Morning mum," he said and quickly went into the kitchen to make himself some breakfast.

Mrs. Lupin looked up from her paper. "Did Ella paint your nails dear?" she asked him. Remus froze up while he poured some milk with his oatmeal.

"Erm yes, last night," he said, carefully looking up at his mother. But when she smiled back at him, his worries faded immediately.

"Looks nice on you sweetheart," she said and then continued to read the morning news.

Remus smiled to himself and picked up his bowl and spoon, taking them with him to the table. He sat down and began to eat.  Looking around the room a bit, he noticed his father's briefcase was gone. He'd probably gone to work early; they had a lot to do these days and many of the Ministry workers worked overtime. 

Mrs. Lupin put down the paper and drank some of her tea. Remus turned it around and read The Observer's headline.


He let a deep sigh and shoved the paper away again. Mrs. Lupin looked up at her son, who was now eating his breakfast while leaning his head in his head.

"Don't worry about it sweetheart," she tried to reassure him.

Remus didn't look back at her. "Easy for you to say, you're not a part of it," he mumbled.

Her face turned rigid. "If I could I would, Remus. I would give my life to defend my family," she said sternly. He gave her a short apologetic look.

Mrs. Lupin smiled sadly and put her hand on his elbow. "But you're sixteen. Live your life Remus, because if this war really turns bad, you'll regret it if you haven't," she said.

"You're father and I know what that's like and I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy," she finally said, then she picked up her cup and walked into the kitchen to put the kettle back on.

His mother was right. She had told them many times before about the Second World War, especially because Remus and Eleanor weren't taught about those things at Hogwarts.

Remus found it ridiculous they didn't, because those wars were horrible and so many innocent people lost their lives. But no, Hogwarts only looked at the Wizarding side of it. Gellert Grindelwald and all that. Also bad, but not the same as what had happened in the Muggle world.

"Good morning!" Eleanor's cheery voice came from the hall.

He quickly finished his cereal. "Morning," he said.

"Morning dear," he heard his mother say, then followed by the sounds of a plate and cutlery.

Eleanor sat down next to him and grabbed his left hand. "Looking good, what did mum say?" she whispered.

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