Chapter 50

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Remus' heart was heavy when he dragged his trunk down the stairs that morning, causing loud bangs on the steps.

"Lyall help the kids with their stuff will you! I swear to God I'll have no stairs left when you get out of that school," Mrs. Lupin said with a sigh, putting away the last of the dishes.

Eleanor just wanted to follow her brother's example, but her fsther was ahead of her, letting her trunk float down the stairs with a lazy wave of his hand.

Her head jerked around when Remus threw his trunk over with a thud and sat on top of it. She gave him a sad smile, but he just shrugged and leaned his head in his hands.

She sat down next to him and put an arm around his shoulders. "You'll be fine," she said softly.

"I don't wanna go," he mumbled, staring ahead of him.

Eleanor nodded. "I know," she said.

Remus couldn't help but laugh at that. "Wow Ella, real comfort you are," he said sarcastically.

Mrs. Lupin clapped her hands. "Come on darling chin up, you're going to a school many others could only dream of," she said with a little smile. "You'll see Andrew again in two months honey."

He sighed and got up. "Everyone ready?" Mr. Lupin asked.

But all heads turned when there was a knock on the front door. Remus' heartbeat started to pick up hopefully. He quickly threw a glance at Eleanor and then opened the door.

Well, opened? He had barely unlocked it before it was pushed open from the outside. Andrew leaped inside and flung his arms around Remus' neck, making the taller boy almost loose his balance.

He didn't know what to do, he just was in a complete trance as the smell of the sea entered his nostrils. Or at least that's what he thought the sea smelled like. He'd never actually been this close to him. But man did he wish he could get even closer.

Remus smiled like a maniac and wrapped his arms around Andrew. "Alright, Andy?" he said with a grin.

"No! You're leavin' me yeh tosser!" he said. Remus chuckled and they both pulled back.

"Yeah, wish I could stay," Remus muttered, avoiding his eyes.

Andrew ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "Well, it's a shame," he said. "But I got ya a lil' somethin'."

Remus frowned as he walked back down the steps to retrieve something that was leaning against the wall. He couldn't believe his eyes when Andrew pulled a guitar case inside.

The blonde grinned as he set it down in front of his best friend. "She's all yers," he said. "For the time bein', anyways. You'll need teh practice when yer back at that tosspot school of yers."

"Oi! I go there too!" Eleanor uttered. Andrew stuck his tongue out at her. She laughed and did the same.

But Remus was lost for words. He knelt down to open the case, but was stopped when Andrew lut his hand on his. A warm feeling filled his entire body and he looked up at him, slightly confused.

"Open it when yeh get there," Andrew said with a wink. Remus blushed a little and stood up again.

"There they are!" Mr. Hale's voice suddenly sounded through the hall.

They all turned around again. "Oh Kolton, Eryn, how nice to see you as well," Mrs. Lupin said in a delighted way. Remus saw Ian's blonde hair poking out from behind his dad.

"Well we couldn't just let the kids leave eh? Had to see 'em off, of course," he said with a smile. Eleanor and Remus chuckled.

"Which reminds me, we have to go!" Mr. Lupin said, checking his watch.

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