Chapter 42

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"It's done," James panted as he ran up to them.

The Marauders had used their Map to track down Snape, and then obviously used it again to find Eleanor and Amelia, who were sitting in the courtyard.

Eleanor grinned. "What did you say?"

"Oh, the usual: greasy hair, slimy git, racist," Sirius summed up casuslly. "All true of course, you know I'd never lie, but he didn't seem to take it well."

Amelia and Eleanor laughed.

Remus stepped forward as well, his hands in his pockets. "We agreed on ten o'clock tonight, third-floor corridor," he elaborated.

"Oh but that place is creepy," Eleanor mumbled.

James grinned. "The creepier, the better," he said.

"Besides, you've got your very, very brave boyfriend to protect you," Sirius said smugly, sitting down next to her.

"Who's a dog," Eleanor retorted with raised eyebrows.

Sirius waved his hand at her. "Just a minor detail," he joked.

"So we'll meet up in the common room at nine-thirty okay, we need to be there earlier than Snape," Remus said. They all nodded.

And that's exactly what they did. At nine-thirty sharp, the six young Gryffindors were standing together, ready to leave.

"So Colovaria, okay?" Remus said again.

Amelia furrowed her eyebrows. "Yes yes I know. Do you want me to turn your hair orange for you so I can prove it?" she said in a provocative way, dangerously pointing her wand at him.

Remus took a step back. "No, no I'm good thanks," he said in a rather high voice.

"That's what I thought," she mumbled and then pocketed her wand.

"Alright, everyone good? Okay, let's go," James said before leading the group out of the common room and up to the third-floor corridor.

James looked around quickly before he opened the door to the deserted corridor. Eleanor stepped inside after him, Sirius was behind her.

A shiver ran down her spine when a cold wind blew down the dark hall. Nobody ever came here, and that was evident. As she looked around, the place was filled with cobwebs. Peter closed the door behind him and James lit up the tip of his wand.

"Okay, you three," James whispered, pointing at Sirius, Amelia, and Eleanor. "Get in that classroom there and just transform right away so Lia can put the charm on you. And don't use any light, okay?"

"Sir, yes sir," Sirius saluted him. Eleanor had to fight the urge to laugh.

James smacked him on his arm. "Go okay, your cue to come out is when I say 'there's no turning back now'," James ushered them towards the empty classroom.

The three of them went inside, mostly because of James demanding them to as he also closed the door behind them.

Eleanor's eyes had to get used to the darkness, but once they did, she noticed that this really was a classroom, and an old one at that. She had never seen such chairs and tables before in the entire school.

She gasped as she suddenly felt an arm snake around her waist. "Merlin's beard-"

"Shhh," Sirius put a finger to his lips and grinned.

Eleanor rolled her eyes and gently pushed him away from her before transforming into a wolf. Amelia looked very excited. Sirius chuckled and transformed as well.

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