Chapter 27

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After the full moon, Remus had been in the Hospital Wing for a lot longer than usual. He had suffered some fractured ribs due to his encounter with James and Sirius, for which they had apologized many times.

He was okay with it though, because he realized that, had they not held him back, he would've attacked Eleanor, and that was the last thing he wanted to happen.

As December rolled around, the weather became colder and Hogwarts and its grounds were soon covered in snow.

It was safe to say that after their first full moon together as werewolf and Animagi, the bond between the five friends had been restored once again.

Eleanor had made a sort of truce with Sirius. It was one-sided though, as Sirius knew nothing about a truce. She was very happy when she heard he Swiney had broken up after what hadn't even been two months.

It told her everything Eleanor wanted to know; it wasn't a serious relationship.

And yes, Swiney was her nickname for Denice Wiley and she was very proud of it.

Their second full moon together, on 18 December, was a quiet one. Remus hardly did anything and they had decided that taking turns to sleep would be a good idea. That way they wouldn't be as tired the next day as last time, but someone would be keeping am eye on Remus as well.

The Sunday before they were to go home for the Christmas holidays was Peter's birthday. Seeing as they pretty much had nothing to do, the Marauders decided they would go for a Butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks.

Eleanor, Amelia, Lily, Alice, and Mary came along as well. Doris and Kathy had never really been close friends with the boys; they were far to rebellious for their liking.

Marlene was in detention with Professor Flitwick after accidentally making the books he always stood fly hysterically across the room. He ended up with a broken leg and couldn't teach for two days.

The nine of them sat down at the biggest table in the room appointed by Madam Rosmerta herself. She loved having the young Gryffindors in her pub and would do anything to make sure they had the best time.

"To Peter!" James said cheerfully as they all raised their hot Butterbeers.

The others repeated after him and then took a big gulp of their drink. Eleanor sighed happily as she felt her body go warm on the inside.

"So, you guys excited for the Holidays?" Mary asked the group. Everyone nodded eagerly in response.

They all got to talking, but Eleanor overheard a conversation between James and Sirius.

"Are you coming back to our place?" James asked Sirius. He shrugged in response.

"I don't think my dear mother would like to see my face again after what I pulled off," he huffed before drinking some more of his Butterbeer.

Eleanor looked down at the table. She remembered Regulus telling her he was going to ask Sirius to come back home with him. Was she supposed to do something about it?

She was probably the only one in the whole school who knew both Black brothers pretty well, but Sirius had no idea she hung out with his younger brother almost twice a week. And to be honest, she wanted to keep it that way. Did she really want to cause that much trouble between them? But what if they actually made up...

"If it's not too much trouble for your parents of course," Sirius added.

James snorted. "Yeah right, I'm pretty sure they like you more than me," he said with a laugh.

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