Chapter 30

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After about another two hours and many more drinks, you could say the boys were pretty drunk. Amelia and Eleanor decided to tone it down a bit, seeing as at least one of them needed to be conscious to oversee everything.

They had all changed into their pajamas and were just chilling together on their soft fortress. Eleanor was laying with her head in Amelia's lap, who then played with her curly blonde hair.

"I can't believe it's already 1976," James said dreamily. "You're going to be of age this year Pads," he lifted his head to look at Sirius, who was laying on the sofa with his eyes closed.

He laughed. "Calm down I just turned sixteen," he said, stretching his arms behind his head.

"Remy?" Eleanor started, barely able to keep her eyes open. Remus looked up at his sister. "Do you have a crush on someone?"

Remus frowned at her randomness. "I'm not sure," he mumbled and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt.

"But I'll let you know when I do sis," he added with a drunk, lopsided smile. Eleanor laughed and shook her head.

James sat up straight. "Does anyone here have a crush?" he asked, looking around the group.

Only Peter and Amelia shook their heads. James raised his eyebrows. "Well well, looky here looky here," he grinned. "Apparantly I'm not the only one."

"We just keep it to ourselves instead of screaming it around every fucking inch at Hogwarts," Amelia said with a laugh.

James sighed. "Ah, but you see, why would you? After all you only live once," he said and looked over at Eleanor, who then rolled her eyes.

Sirius got up from the sofa and walked over to the record player. He grabbed the new Queen album from the coffee table and took out the first LP.

Eleanor's eyes followed him the entire time, making sure he wouldn't ruin her Christmas present.

He'd obviously paid attention, because he checked to see which side was A. Sirius put the LP on the spinner, picked up the needle and placed it just outside of the fourth ring.

Eleanor had to admit she was very impressed when 'You're My Best Friend' started to play.

Sirius snapped his fingers and started to move to the beat. Eleanor smiled to herself. He grabbed his bottle from the coffee table and walked over to the dining area which was attached to the livingroom.

Eleanor sat up and turned to watch him dance. She couldn't help but find him very good-looking in his joggers and black t-shirt. He just seemed to be in his own, happy little world.

She sat back down again. Peter had fallen alseep on one of the beds next to the sofa. Remus was talking to James about Merlin-knows-what. Amelia had dozed off but was still sitting up straight against the armchair.

Eleanor got up and collected all the empty bottles. She passed Sirius on her way to the kitchen, where she put them all on the counter.

She walked back into the livingroom and smiled as she heard her favorite song playing. Sirius stopped moving and put his bottle on the dining table.

"You wanna dance?" he asked her. Eleanor stopped dead in her tracks and looked up at him. He smiled at her and had one hand in his pocket.

"Oh er I really can't dance-"

Sirius grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him. Eleanor didn't know what to do.

"Just dance, it doesn't matter," he said with a grin.

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